Happy Valentine's Day read.cash ❤️

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Today is world love day. World love day is 14 February. This 14th day February is celebrated all over the world as Valentine's Day. ❤️

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Previously Valentine's Day was confined to the united States or Western societies but is now celebrated all over in the world. Now a days this day became a festival. On this day, starting from the park, there are huge crowds in the entertainment centers. Everyone tries to celebrate this day as their won Love https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/0134py4v&hl=en-BD&q=Love&kgs=d4bd39bc74cfde89&shndl=17&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/4&entrypoint=sh/x/kp/osrp

That’s How World Love Day Come


Many people believe that in ancient Rome, February 14 was a holliday in honour of Queen Juno, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juno_(mythology)#:~:text=Juno%20(English%3A%20%2F%CB%88d%CA%92,%2C%20Vulcan%2C%20Bellona%20and%20Juventas. the Roman goddess of women and love.

According to many, that was it....

Valentine's Day or St. Valentine's Day is an annual celebration which is celebrated on 14th February between love and affection. The day is celebrated in many countries around the world, although in most countries it is not a holiday. In 269 AD, there was a Christian priest and physician named St. Valentine's in Rome, Italy. He was imprisoned by the then Roman emperor Cradius II on charges of preaching. Because Christianity was then banned in the Roman Empire. While in captivity, he cured the blind daughter of a prison guard. Jealous of St. Valentine's popularity, the king sentenced him to death. That day was February 14.

Then, in 498, Pope St. Gelasius also declared February 14, Valentine's Day, in memory of the first Julius Valentine. There are many such days in the Christian world for the remembrance and action of the children of the clergy. In the case of the West, the celebration of birthdays, religious festivals is the main issue of enjoyment. That is why they do not drink alcohol even inside the church. Valentine's Day was banned by the French government in 18 because of the loss of consciousness on this Christian Valentine's Day. The ruling Puritans in England also once administratively banned the celebration of this day. Now a days World Love Day is festival. ❤️

In the World Love Day, i share my foreign friend's Love YouTube blog with you. I hope everyone like it a lot. ❤️

Today on the occasion of World Love Day, the day is being celebrated through various events in the whole world. ❤️ This love is like the love of parents towards for their children as well as the love of people towards people.

I want this love to be not limited to today. Everyday of the year, everyone should be bound in such love. Then life will be happy and beautiful. 😍

Love is something that can be enjoyed with the heart. True love is love that has no interest. Be it a parents or a lover.

On this Valentine's day i would like to wish all the members of read.cash "Happy Valentine's Day". There was a lot love from me especially for read.cash ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

N.B: source: https://www.wikipedia.org/

Thank you everyone. @tanvir2560

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