walked into the bar to find her sitting The seat beside her was totally empty

Surprisingly, there were many guys in the bar

They dare not move close so as not to start a war?

How could a lady so gorgeous sit by herself?

With a glass of vodka sitting pretty in front of her

My mind told me to go and say hello

But I didn't know the misfortune that befell other guys

We only live once, I said, I dare to give my try

As I walked closer, I bet I heard her silent cry

Broken, hurt, alone and distant she must feel

How could I make her smile, I thought to myself

I didn't want to walk off with my tail in between my legs

"I bet you have shown other guys hell tonight

Which explains why the seat beside you is empty

Before you chase me away, let me sit and hear your silence" I said

She smiled and the heaviness of my heart melted

She needed that smile

Not some cocky guys walking up to her

Offering to buy her drink to impress her, she said

We spoke and she opened up about her hurt

She felt a burden off her chest as she recants

I listened in silence and nodded in sympathy

I acted the role of a therapist on the night

While walking her to the car with a hug as a goodbye

No name, no number exchanged and that was the deal

Told her I wouldn't ask so she can bare it all

It's easier to talk knowing it's to a stranger you might never see again

Some people don't need money at all

They just need a shoulder to cry on

A listening ear to listen to the sensible and insensible

That was what I did and she remains my mystery girl

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@tamashi posted 3 years ago
