Study Tips You Wished You Knew Earlier (It's not too late for me😀)

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1 year ago

Hola mi amigos amigas welcome back to my blog. For today's topic it is about school since face to face classes start and most of us students are not ready, so your author came with a right article (I hope so😀) to share to you guyz. So sit back, relax and oh before I forgot grab a something to drink or foods to munch while your reading my article. Without further ado let's get it on guyz.

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Thank you so much @MommySwag and @MaritessNgBuhayMo for your support and trust.

Here we go guyz:

FIRST: If you are often not feeling ready for studying then tell yourself "just 5 minutes of work" start the timer for 5 minutes and then start your work right away. You are most likely to keep going that way remember little goes all the way.

SECOND: Do your homework and assignment as soon as you come home and as an active recall exercise. Don't just copy paste things in it. Ask questions to yourself from your homework that you are doing and then check how much you already know about it, it will test your knowledge.

THIRD: No one is born smart (for me). There are people who are goal oriented which keeps them disciplined and focused with their routines. So be such a person that is focused on herself and trying to level up her game.

FOURTH: Memorize difficult concepts or words using Mnemonics. Make them funny and easy to memorize just however you like. It really works, try it. For example: PLEASE EXCUSE MY DEAR AUNT SALLY (PEMDAS)" for the order of operations in math.

You can also try this technique for memorization just follow these steps:

  • Read it silently in your mind.

  • Close your eyes and recite it in your mind.

  • Read it out loud now.

  • Then write it down on a paper to have a copy.

FIFTH: Note down EVERYTHING. Assignments per subjects, presentations, class schedule, exam schedule or project deadlines. Even if it is a month after take down notes about it, it's much better if your taking notes from day one.

SIXTH: You HAVE to remind yourself what you are aiming for and how are you gonna get these. So dedicate some time to imagine and visualize your life after 10 years and then brainstorm your action plan.

SEVENTH: Start taking notes straight after you learned something from school so that it remains in your long term memory and also you can browse your notes when your forgot about it.

EIGHTH: Do revisions from time to time. You can use blurting revision technique for any topic. Pick out one topic from a chapter then close your textbook and grab your art sheet. Then start scribbling down everything you know about that topic that you pick. Once you're done with it check if you know everything about that topic and to make sure you are not missing out an info.

Some of you might know the famous SQ3R technique for memorization and also some students use this technique for revision. This technique is perfect if you are struggling with learning or understanding concepts. Once you learn this technique no one can stop you from ACEING your exams.

Here is how it works:

  • First step is to skim throughout the topic from your textbook.

  • Second is to question yourself about the topic. If you can't answer then write those questions down.

  • Next are 3Rs: READ: read the topic and try to find answers to your questions. RECITE: once you found them, memorize them now by reciting out loud. REVIEW/REVISE: now review about the whole topic by blurting everything you know about the topic.

NINTH: A PRO TIP FROM ME: Set FAKE DEADLINES. Make sure to aware yourself for that deadline. As if your exam is on that time you'll know what I mean if you try this technique. You can finish your task earlier than the set deadline.

TENTH: Before starting to study, schedule everything you need to study. Start studying the major subjects (the one that affect your grade the most like math, science and english) and then study the remaining subjects.

ELEVENTH: Declutter your device and study table. Organize your laptop, tablet, personal computer or phone. And also your notes from your backpack. Go and place them in a separate folder.

You've come to the end of my article. Thank you for reading it thoroughly😀. I forgot to share as for me when I study or memorize anything I see to it that there is music or the TV is on. I can't memorize if it is too silent.

Feel free to reach me out in just search suzanne2019🥰.


Thank you so much friends, my sponsors, likers, readers, commenters, upvoters and to Random Rewarder a BIG BIG THANK YOU. Sending my online hugs and kisses to all. Happy Monday😀. Keep safe everyone.

as always,


Article #59 (6th for August)

August 29, 2022

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Avatar for susanavel2005
1 year ago


This is really informative my friend. I like the way you explained. This is really helpful for the students. I learned it also. I'm going to share this to my youngest sister.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good luck with your class, Aja!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Good luck on your journey we read cash family are here to support you always..

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is helpful to those students like you. Good luck and God bless!

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1 year ago