The Fear of being Misunderstood
Have you ever been in a situation where you think that you were making sense but no one understood you? They heard you laud and clear but they just didn't understand. The thing is a lot of people may know you but very few people would actually understand you and what you stand for.
To be misunderstood means to be Imperfectly under stood in your relationships or your work or concerning an idea you have and that can be really frustrating.
Correct me if I'm wrong but as a human we crave the feeling of being understood. We speak different languages we all have our own way of thinking when it comes to love, to hope to religion, to ideas and even to clothes, food, colors etc. It is a way of having something that is really just for you, something that describes you, something that you choose to do .But happens when someone asks why you are the way you are and why you think like that? Although opinion of some loved one matters a lot they may be family or friends but some peoples judge you in wrong way.
Do you have to change your values and or opinions to fit into the bracket created by them?
When you have not communicated properly, yeah it's easy to be misunderstood, but in situation where you have clearly expressed yourself then misunderstanding comes because your words have just been pushed to a side.
It would be awesome if peoples could see inside our hearts and believe us believe that what we understand and say is truth and is experienced by us. They would be able to believe what we understood, love what we love and fight for what we fight for, but when that doesn't happen when no one believe you don't be discouraged to do it your own way and take your own time. It's your life and it should be run by your own terms with the guidance of almighty and do consider opinion of peoples who love you not those who just judge you.
You shouldn't have to misunderstood yourself just to be understood by others and that's the fact.
Sometimes it's OK to be misunderstood, to run the alone race by yourself.
You have to be willing to understand that you will be misunderstood for being you.
You might be misunderstood by taking that decision
You might be misunderstood for having that habit
You might be misunderstood on someone else opinion, someone who is just spreading false things about you.
They Don't understand it but you do get it, and if you think it's worse sticking to then just resist the urge to explain.
Someone once said, your moves may be misunderstood by the peoples who are not meant to be in your journey. This lack of understanding even though hearts a lot but you have to move on just the way you are there is a stage when you are just fed up , you are just tired from inside of explaining yourself saying that" no no i doesn't mean that ", proving yourself to be right but sometimes we have to do this all to try to not loose our loved ones, the loved ones who matter a lot to us but they don't understand us.
But someday we all should find the one who completed understand us , who truly will understand us and will support us no matter what happens , who will understand what we are going through what we are facing and why are the way like that? and that will be enough for us.
you are right. girl! it is more teasing for a person to be misunderstood by others. if anyone doesn't listen to you it is not hurting but if anyone misunderstands you or your words it makes your life uneasy. we should try to understand each other.