A hypothetical scene from an episode of Seinfeld as an exercise in creative writing.
Here's a draft of a possible scene for the sitcom Seinfeld that I wrote after a joking conversation about how easy it is to click on video after video when you get pulled into it.
The scene begins with Kramer, rushing in through Jerry's door and stating loudly "Jerry, today is your lucky day!"
Jerry turns around, in a not overly surprised manner, to see Kramer rush back out and begin pushing an almost overflowing shopping cart containing a chaotic pile of ... "stuff".
Jerry begins to say, "Oh, hello Kramer" at the same time Kramer puts his hands in the air as an excited emphasis and exclaims, "Tada!!" and then folds his arms, while leaning back slightly in satisfaction and pauses smiling at Jerry.
Jerry, in a rather non-impressed manner, rubs his chin and looks at the cart questioning and says, "Oh, my lucky day, eh, what's this?" as he approaches to get a closer look and suddenly begins reaching for something in the pile. "Hey, is this one of the original Batman series collectable ...", Jerry begins to ask but is quickly interrupted by Kramer reaching to grab the action figure first.
Kramer then states,"I've already got a customer for that", but after a brief pause reconsiders and says offeringly, "Unless you're willing to go 10 bucks ..." while looking at Jerry questioningly until he sees Jerry doesn't appear very interested.
Kramer continues on by saying, "No, Jerry, my man, you are looking at the next big business opportunity." and at that he reaches into the cart and pulls out a VHS tape, which he holds up, to display almost victoriously, before Jerry.
Jerry looks at the tape and begins to read in slight surprise, "Oh, a Little House on The Prairie episode. My uncle used to ..", but Kramer interrupts and exclaims, "and wait there's more!", at which Kramer begins to dig down into the cart pulling out more VHS tapes, some falling in disarray on the floor, while Jerry remains rather passive and detached, watching the flurry of activity.
Then Jerry slowly begins to read a few of the titles that have fallen about, while Kramer continues digging in the cart. "Let's see. Indiana Jones and that's one of Close Encounters ...", Jerry says in rather casual curiousity.
Kramer quickly states "That's just a bonus, Jerry. Tik Toks are the up and coming thing. Can you believe they were selling these for 10 cents each?!"
Jerry, begins a bit puzzled, but then slowly states with a growingly wry smile and laughing voice, "Actually, yes ..."
Kramer, unable to contain his excitement says, "and I'll let you in on half the action! How's that for a deal?!"
Jerry, rather confused, asks "What action? Do you even have a VHS player?"
"That was partly why I came over. I saw one at the thrift store but it was 20 dollars. You want to split the cost?" asks Kramer.
"But we can already watch most of these on Netflix ..." begins Jerry, at which Kramer interrupts and continues "... ah, but what if all you had was a VHS player?Β Did you think of that?" and looks at Jerry with a smug and satisfied smile while nodding his head, as if to congratulate himself on his deep insights.
Jerry appears rather stunned, confused and bewildered as if Kramer had just presented him with something that he is unable to process.
After brief second, Kramer approaches Jerry and pats him on the shoulder reassuringly and then continues on by stating, "It's bigger than that. Tik Tok videos are the up and coming thing. I know of at least two other video stores going out of business. We can watch some of the movies, then rerecord over them with Tik Toks and sell those for a profit. Then move to another State, to rinse and repeat! Jerry, this could go worldwide!!", states Kramer in sincere excitement. "Ah, a life on the road ..." Kramer begins to say with a growing smile as his gaze drifts away dreamily.
"But most people can just watch them on their phone.", states Jerry.
Kramer, with a knowing smile asks Jerry, "but how many people don't have a phone? Ah?!", with a wink and continues, "... and every one is a potential customer!"
Jerry asks, "How many people can even play VHS tapes anymore?".
"I reckon about 47,000." states Kramer quickly and continues, "Think big, Jerry. I did my research on this and estimate there are around 1,200 stores within driving distance that might have used VHS players. So when the Tik Tok VHS craze begins, we'll have the market cornered!" says Kramer while his hands shake in excitement.
"Ah ... Kramer, I don't know ...", Jerry begins to say in a bit of a pleading-for-mercy voice as he turns around and looks for something else as a distraction.
"Well, for 10 dollars we can go halvsies on the player and at least watch some of these movies.", Kramer begins to beg.
Jerry, with a bit of a resigned expression starts reaching into his pocket, "Alright, sure, I guess." and then quickly states "but no popcorn on the floor and I don't want you bringing over all your friends like last time."
Jerry hands Kramer some money.
Kramer hugs Jerry in excitement saying "You're going to be a rich man!" and as he heads toward the door, continues on while shaking, in thanks, the money Jerry gave him, "This is one of the best investment decisions you've made!". Kramer passes through the door and continues talking as his voice becomes very emotional. "I'm telling you Jerry, we are going to ..." (Kramers voice fades away until it becomes inaudible).
Jerry looks around the room as if seeing if anything else needs to be taken care of, and then appears to begin wondering what to do next, at which he notices the VHS tapes on the floor. He stoops down to get a closer look and states with a bit of surprise, "Oh, I haven't watched this one in ages ... and what do we have here?", at which he holds up another tape for closer inspection and appears to be growingly interested in Kramer's stash of goodies as the scene fades out.
--- scene ends ---
I've watch quite a few Seinfeld episodes and remember laughing through most of them. I was also impressed by how many separate threads in the storyline would come together in that *insert a drum roll and ba da ching!* Final moments of the show to tie everything together.
Hope you enjoyed. I am tempted to recommend a Tik Tok playlist but will restrain myself ;D
Creativity enhances the intelligence of humans. This similar scene from Seinfeld has taught me a lot. Creative helps a person to make the right decision at all times. Your investigation is great. I would not learn anything creative before. I couldn't do my own thing then. Now I try to do creative work. As a result, I can learn a lot. β€οΈ