What causes a baby to have Down syndrome?

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3 years ago

Wellness is the greatest blessing of the Creator. Because many children are born with various problems. For these problems, he and his family have to face various problems in the next life. Many times problems are solved, many times no solution is found. Genetic defects are often unresolved.

The DNA inside the chromosomes between the cells in our body is called the carrier of heredity. Different traits such as behavior, behavior, intelligence, appearance, height, skin color are all controlled by this DNA. If there is any discrepancy in the DNA or chromosome, various physical and mental defects occur. These are called genetic defects. Down syndrome is a congenital genetic disorder.

There are about 6 million people in the world with Down syndrome. Human embryos have 23 pairs of chromosomes - one of the two chromosomes in each pair of chromosomes comes from the father. And another comes from the mother. In Down syndrome, another extra chromosome, 21, enters the joint space. Then in the 21st place the number of chromosomes becomes 3 instead of 2. It is called 'Trisomy 21' Researchers believe that 95 percent of Down syndrome is due to this March 21 is celebrated as World Down Syndrome Day because there are three chromosomes in number 21.

About two lakh children are suffering from this problem in our country. A child with Down syndrome is a special child created by nature. One in every 500 to 600 babies is born with Down syndrome. According to the World Health Organization, about 5,000 Down babies are born in our country every year or an average of about 15. If we look around us, we can notice certain physical features in some children, such as muscle relaxation, low height, raised eyebrows, flat nose, small ears, a single line on the palm of the hand, sticking out of the tongue, etc.

These are the symptoms of Down syndrome in a child. In addition, the children are very soft and fluffy. Due to the relaxation of the muscles, the body also becomes a little swollen, the face and neck become smaller, and the chin is not understood in the same way. Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol in 1836 and oudouard Séguin in 1844 gave a brief description of the disease. But in 18, British neurologist John Langdon Down was the first to describe the subject in detail. That is why this overall problem has been named ‘Down Syndrome’ after him

If the mother is older, especially if she has a child after the age of 35, the child may have such characteristics. On the other hand, if a mother has a child with such characteristics before, the next child can also be such a down child. Environmental pollution, radioactivity, etc. are also thought to cause the birth of a down baby. Down children are more likely to have a delay in physical and mental growth than other children. That is to grow physically and mentally.

That is, the milestones of growing physically and mentally, such as learning to sit, learning to stand, learning to walk, learning to speak - all happen late.

This child may have congenital heart disease, defective esophagus, vision and hearing problems, frequent respiratory infections, thyroid dysfunction, etc. The risk of developing testicular cancer and leukemia is high. There is also a risk of tooth infection or tooth loss and annotation deficit hyperactivity. After a while, these children develop symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The family in which the Down child is born also has to go through various social barriers and harassment.

Sadly, there is no specific treatment or prevention for Down syndrome. If there is any complication after birth, he has to be treated accordingly. However, if it is possible to diagnose the disease in advance, the complications are less. Down syndrome can be confirmed by testing the number of chromosomes or karyotyping in the baby's body. The collection of cells from the initial placenta at 11 to 14 weeks of gestation or the DNA test of the amniotic fluid around the fetus at 15 to 18 weeks of gestation can confirm whether the fetus is a down baby. Then the parents can decide whether to continue the pregnancy.

With the right care, nutritious food, speech, language and physical therapy, by identifying the symptoms at the right time, Down children can become functional or self-reliant by studying like any other normal child. Or the physical problems come under some control with the necessary care. The Bangladesh Down Syndrome Society was officially formed in 2016 to provide assistance to people suffering from Down Syndrome in Bangladesh. Apart from various government projects, if everyone from personal or institutional level comes forward to create awareness, a healthy and beautiful future will be created for our next generation.

We need to extend our hand of compassion to the children below. They are not a burden to society. Only adequate care and cooperation can build them as an asset to society.

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3 years ago
