The manual labour done by children is known by child labour.Today it is one of the most major problems in our country. It is an inhuman act. It is also treated as a sinful act. Child labour has become a very common affair in Bangladesh .
The street children and the orphan boys and girls are the victims of child labour.Many of the children are engaged in house as domestic servants and maid servants.
There are also engaged in garment factories,cottage industries,shops,hotels, restaurant and many small industries. Many are also seen selling flowers,betel leaves,chanachar,fruits,chocolates,polishing boots and collecting garbage,Tor papers and torn clothes.
Many are seen begging and catching fish in canals ,rivers,hairs and beels. There are also seen breaking stones and bricks and pulling rickshaws .many children work as porters in rail station and launch terminals.
They have to work from dawn to dusk. They have neither recreation nor leisure. They are always misbehaved .sometimes they are beaten mercilessly. They get very poor wages. They are given stale food. They have no scope to receive education. They are deprived of all basic needs and rights of life. But our children are the Future Leaders of our country.
So child labou must be stopped soon by law .proper education should be made compulsory for them. Social awareness must be created to stop child labour.
It should be stopped, immediately...