Gardening is one of the most useful and interesting of a man's life. Therefore, everyone should make a garden. In order to make a garbenb at first, a person hes to select a suitable piece of land where the rain water does not stand during the rainy season.
Besides the piece of the land should be sunny. Then, he has to dig the soil well for sowing seeds or planting the seedlings in it. He can plant the little seedlings of flowers and vegetables in his garden. Next, he will have to put a strong fence around the garden so that cattle, the goats or any naughty boys can't do any harm to his garden. After that, be has to warter the flower sometimes, he should put cow dung or chemical fertilizers and insecticides on it. In this way, any one can easily make a garden. Making a garden is very essential to both our body and mind.
Very impressive article...