Does following the ten commandments make it easy for you to examine your conscience?

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The ten commandments include the laws of God that the people on earth must abide. These will govern our life to live with just and the way that God wants us to be. Each of the commandments reveals us how to love God and our neighbor as well as to overcome temptations that lead us to withdraw from God. It is not enough that we know it but we must understand and apply it to our daily lives as what matters most to God. Galatians 3:24 says “So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith.” Salvation is by God’s grace apart from anything that we can do. We need to have an understanding of God’s righteousness and how subject to His will. It is through our faith that we will be guaranteed salvation not exactly because we obey the set rules. Those are the standards of holy living required by God as well as to act morally to Him and other people. We can point out what we have done wrong and what are the things that we need to do in order to obey what God wanted in His commandments. Therefore, because God made the ten commandments, it is easier for me to identify whether were my acts will delight the Lord. 

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