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How will you define love?Are you in love?Do you know the real meaning of love?Why do people find it hard to love others?Why is the secret of true love?

We all have each definition of love but i know we have things in common. First, love is God. If we cannot feel and experience His great and unconditional love, then it is hard to show love to others. He first love us for who we are, it does not matter our skin color, our origin, our professions and status in life. Ask God for his overflowing love for us to easily love others because if we are not abundant in His love, we might end being hatred, pride, jealousy and envy.

As what I learned in college LOVE means Loving Others Voluntarily and Endlessly. We must show and express selfless love to others especially we are all suffering from the effects of the covid 19. Show love to others no matter how simple it is. God knows and sees every simple act of good deeds we did for someone. If we are a true follower of God, we must do the same as He is our perfect example in life.

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Yes, selfless love is what we need today

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3 years ago