I downloaded a video entitled Jesus Loves me in youtube and I usually play this video everytime my baby is crying or not in the mood. She is at ease and feel secure everytime she listened and watched this video. I like and love the lyrics too. I got a research today if who wrote this song in google.
It was written long years ago by Anna Bartlett Warner in New York. She was born 1827 and the song was a Christian hymn and first appeared as a poem in 1860 American novel. I thought this is a 90s song. But credit to her who wrote this song that even until now it is alive and continue to touch lives. I like the lyrics of the song and it is appropriate for children especially a lullaby for babies. I love the lyrics that say “Jesus Loves Me, Yes I do for the Bible tells me so, Little Ones to Him belong, they are weak but He is strong...” Indeed Jesus loves us for He are. He has loving nature, a compassionate one. He love and cares for everyone whatever status we have in life. Thanks for His great and unconditional love. May you also experience not just today but for the rest of our lives.