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Written by
3 years ago

Do you have a "SAVINGS" of your own?

Saving is income not spent, or deferred consumption. Saving is putting money aside in, for example, a deposit account or as cash.

Saving money is important because it helps protect you in the event of a financial emergency. It reduces your financial stress, leave as financial legacy, and provide you with a greater sense of financial freedom. It allows you to enjoy greater security in your life, you may be able to take risks or try new things.

Being born in a poor family is the one reason that encourage me to save in consideration to the following;

1. Budget โ€“ before putting amount to save, let all expenses had a budget already, budget for family, allowances and for the bills. Whatโ€™s left on me I am putting it on my savings. I donโ€™t set exact amount because it depends upon my income and my expenses.

2. "Want" and "Need"- before buying anything I always evaluate myself if I really need it or it can wait. There are times before I am going to the store I am very sure of myself buying some item, but when I think again while I am in the store already I told myself that maybe next time it can wait.

3. I am making sure that once in a month, since we have two paydays; I can add some small amount to my savings, all I think for doing it was my child, itโ€™s for her future and for emergency.

My goal in doing it was my family specially my child, being a solo parent I am saving for her because no one will do that for us.

I am saving money from the very start that I am working for myself. Right now i have saving but's it not that much, its enough to support me in case of emergency in the family.

I remember that when I was in college, every peso left on my allowances I am saving it.

Before; there are times that nothings left for us, no budget for food. We try to borrow small amount just to save the day in our neighbor and promise to pay the other day but no one help us. That is one of the saddest part of my childhood that i cannot forget.

Another times that my savings helps our family; save our meal for the day. In a small amount I have, it helps my parents which are struggling for our living.

All the experience i have is the reason that keeps me to work hard and to save so that those happened to us before would never experience by our present generation which is our children.

Having your own money is for your own good, you can buy all the things that you want but remember to spend wisely.

You will learn the value of money, every cents of it, if you are working hard to earn it.

In the future we can enjoy the fruit of our hardwork for today. So I encourage everyone like me to save now, for your future. Small amount is good enough to save.

Save for the future... ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

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Avatar for sham
Written by
3 years ago


Saving money is important because it helps protect you in the event of a financial emergency.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is one of my weaknesses,cant able to save even a little,I now know the importance of savings this time of pandemic If I only had save a little portion of my salary back then when I was still working then maybe my husband shouldnt have striving so hard nowadays just to provide us.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

How sad, but as long as your helping each you'll manage somehow, unlike me i need to that since i am solo and no partner to rely on. In times of crisis am the only one who will suffer just in any case.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your a strong lady, I really salute solo parents since you are able to provide your child in your own effort. God bless you more sis.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you very much. I am doing and trying my best to be a good parent a good provider for her. Lots of sacrifice but it worth as i see the development of my child hearing her voice inspire me more to do anything for her in a good way.

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3 years ago