Last Sunday of the Month of August 2022

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1 year ago

Good day, guys!

Every time I go to work, I question myself, do I love what I'm doing? Sure it could be fun to be meeting new people to build some networks and learn from patients, but sometimes it could be so draining especially when you just listen to problems all day long. As each day passes by I've been reflecting that my life is revolving around work already. Just imagine my commute takes around 2 hours a day + staying 9 hours a day in the clinic and doing that 6 times a week. But I guess right now, I should just be patient and be thankful that I have a job. Though I have to look for that work-life balance, what kinda sucks about this place is that places seem so far and you need to have a means of transportation to go to places.

The day before I was invited to go to the flat where I used to stay because they cooked some Batchoy. It tasted really delicious but what made me feel so excited was their new dog. They just got it 3 days ago and her name is Luna. She's just 11 months old but she's really big. The great part is she's potty trained. She had so much energy and was just playing the whole time. Being with her just made me miss my pets back home. I just miss those days when my pets are my outlet for stress and they would normally boost my mood.

I slept earlier than usual because my head was hurting. I kinda woke up when one of my flatmates in the other partition came from work, I don't know there are times when I can be sensitive to sound but I usually fall asleep to wait for my alarm. I finally woke up and got ready. I was just taking my time. I left at 9:01 thinking that I might be late for work because the bus route is different. Whenever I cross this street it reminds me of the time when a bird pooped on me which is the most unexpected place.

I got to the metro station and took a train to the next station. As soon as I got to the station there was a bus going to my workplace so I just rode it. I arrived at 10 in the morning, and I was early because my shift starts at 10:30. I'm going to try to leave using the 9:16 bus the next time and see what time I'll arrive.

My first patient was late by 2 minutes but it was really fun talking with her, to be honest, she couldn't stop talking and I didn't know how to end our session. Though we just extended for around 10 minutes and I had no next patient. When I was checking my schedule I was shocked that my patients from 11:30 to 2 pm canceled. That was around 3 patients. At around 1:45 the receptionists called me because the doctor was going to give me a patient. I had a patient at 2 o clock so I just did only a few things with that patient. My 2 o clock patient is really consistent but she said that she wanted her next session at an earlier time because she felt really lazy but the husband pushed her to go. It's really nice asking for some insights regarding Abu Dhabi because that's where she stays and she travels to Dubai just for treatment.

I then ate lunch and one of my colleagues made salad and shared me so I just stuffed myself up. I even ate cake yesterday. My lunch break was finished and I immediately went up to treat my patient. I had to get one device from my colleague and she said that the day was really busy and I said not for me, I actually regretted saying that as my day went on. Two patients were waiting for me and they were a couple, The wife has been my patient, and it was my first time treating the husband. Listening to their stories and their point of view made me learn things. My next patient was a new one and it was my first treating him, It was really cool to meet him because he works in a forex company, finally spoke to someone who knows about cryptocurrency. The first time he encountered bitcoin was in 2011, and he didn't believe in it. Right now he's just dollar cost averaging. My next patient was late so I had to squeeze him in, I also had another patient at 7 but good thing he came a bit early. Though I really don't know why they book patients at 7. My timings are from 10:30 to 7:30 and we usually treat for 45 minutes. Kinda got frustrated but what can I do? I then took a bus, instead of going home I wanted to walk and drop by the mall. So I went to the mall and checked out their sale but I didn't find anything that I wanted. So I just went to the food court and tried the Fried chicken at Max's. I don't know if I was feeling down or not, but I didn't like the taste, it seemed so oily and it lacked taste. Though I liked the fries that came with it.

After eating, I went to one of the bus stops and I was really lucky because as soon as I got to the bus stop, my bus came. I was able to get a seat. The only problem was in the middle of the ride, there were new passengers who were behind me and were speaking loudly to each other. I was already using earbuds and it was still penetrating, I noticed that even some of the passengers were even looking at them because of how loud they were. I wanted to tell them to shut up but I didn't have the energy. Until the last bus stop where I had to go down, they wouldn't stop talking loudly to each other. They just don't respect the other people around them. I got off the bus and I decided to walk around. As soon as I entered our flat they were having a party/dinner thing but after saying hello, I just went straight to the room and stayed inside. I don't know why I just didn't like to interact with other people today. I just felt so drained and I wanted my "Me time".

I hope that you guys had a great weekend! Have a great week ahead!

Thanks for reading stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me.

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