I was using my computer and I had to scan a photo for my mom. I opened up my printer and Yoda decides to hop on, probably wondering what does this thing do.
He wouldn't like to get out so I decided to scan him.
He was just looking at the light of the scanner, following it with his eyes and then his head.
There even came a point in time where he tried to paw the light.
Here were the end results of the scan.
I actually had to scan him again because he moved at the first time I scanned him.
After I removed him from the scanner. I put the photo and he hopped on top of the printer and laid down. Having a cat in the house is really amusing. His curiosity will sometimes make you laugh.
Thanks for reading and stay safe always.
106/5000 Your cat is very nice, but just like here in Venezuela, they eat mice and little birds, the experience is beautiful.