Jake first bought Bitcoin, the most popular cryptocurrency, in 2015, but his trade spiraled out of control until he made a big profit a few years later. "I can pinpoint the moment when this becomes an issue," he said. "I was eroding the sum I had set aside, but I went into a trade and was willing to risk the last amount I had. "I have recovered almost everything I lost in a single trade. The feeling was one of absolute euphoria."Jake told BBC Scotland's the Nine that this height, combined with difficulties in his marriage and personal life, quickly led to a cycle of addiction. His job at the time meant he was responsible for millions of pounds. He said he soon began trading money in hopes of repeating his initial success. He said: "when I first got it, I lost it all in about 20 minutes one night. The market moved very quickly and I liquidated everything. "It was about 02: 00. I went back to bed and had to lie down next to my wife. He had no idea what had happened until." Jake faced embezzlement charges but with the help of his family he was able to repay his employer £ 1.5 million and is now receiving treatment for his addiction.

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@serhanyildirim posted 3 years ago
