Cankiri Short Facts

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This city, formerly known as Gangra, has a long history. This settlement, which came under the rule of states such as Paphlagonia, Pontus, Galatia; Afterwards, it took place between Roman and Byzantine lands. Çankırı and the surrounding lands were ruled by Danişmendoğulları after 1071. During the Ottoman Empire, it was included in the territory during the reign of Murat the First.

Çankırı, which was a center affiliated to the Anatolian province during the Ottoman period, came to the fore as a part of Kastamonu together with the Republic. However, considering that it became an important transit point in the War of Independence, it was decided to become a province.


Çankırı Climate and Vegetation

The continental climate is seen in Çankırı. While a cooler winter period passes in Merkez, Ilgaz and Yapraklı; It is stated that the conditions of the Çerkeş district are even more severe. Throughout Çankırı, precipitation occurs in every season.

Çankırı also draws attention with its forests. It is possible to come across different tree species in this region. Larch, Scotch pine, juniper, oak, spruce, fir, pear and dogwood trees are located in the forests. At the same time, it is possible to come across willow and poplar trees along the water sources.

Wild animals are also frequently encountered in the region. Wolf, fox, rabbit, partridge and squirrel occur in large numbers in these natural areas. An effective struggle was put forward against wild boars throughout Çankırı, and a decrease in their number was ensured.

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