"Humanity still exists"

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Avatar for sandipbiswas220
3 years ago

Thousands of children in different parts of Africa have been accused of witchcraft and have been abused, even murdered. These children are blamed for any perceived curses from neighbors or their families, the community. Complaints include illness, death of a family / community member, loss of a bad crop or job, being blamed for an accident and any other natural disaster.

Police often refuse to intervene in these matters, because police and prosecutors also have fears of supernatural forces. However, with the spread of education, this superstition has come down lately.

However, the woman in the picture is Anja Ringren Lavan, a Danish aid worker. Rescued in 2016, an abandoned, two-year-old Nigerian child. The baby was almost dying, he was suffering from malnutrition and worms.

This child was abandoned because his parents thought he was under the influence of magic.

He was found dead in a small Nigerian village. The baby had been wandering the streets for eight months at the time.

Anja Ringren rescues, treats, cares and loves the baby. She is named Hope. Hope is being enlightened in the light of education, going to school by the rules. He's someone

In humanity and affection, love has got a beautiful, golden meaningful life. Hope's smile, joy never seems to last !!

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3 years ago

Very informative article. Thank you.

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3 years ago

Thanks buddy actually such things grow slowly. There is an internship. After two years, it became clear how much people are changing, everything will change

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3 years ago