*A German Muslim scholar when he was asked obout TERRORISM and Islam, He said, "Who started the first world war? Not Muslimsl! Who started the second world wor? Not Muslimsl! Who killed 6 million Jews in the Holocaust ? Not Muslims, Who killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia ? Not Muslimsll Who sent the nuclear bombs of Hiroshima ond Nagasoki? Not Muslimsl! Who killed more than 100 millions of Indians in North America? Not Muslimsll Who killed more than 50 million of Indions in south America? Not Muslimsl! Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and 88% of them died and were throun overboard into Atlantic ocean? Not Muslimsl! No, NOT Muslims!! First of all, You will have to define terrorism properly, If a non-Muslim does something bad, It is Crime. But if a Muslim commits the some, He is a Terrorist. So first hemove this double stondards, Then come to the point, I am Proud to be a MUSLIM

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@sandeep_maheshwari posted 3 years ago
