Prelude Sanctuarian How-To

Avatar for sanctuary.the-one-law
1 year ago

This has taken a long while in realizing and actualizing.

I have little time or patience for keyboarding life.

Most of my time and effort is spent observing and considering
possibilities versus impracticalities of
how to present a clear message about
how simply Sanctuary can be created and maintained.

... And how it can prosper everyone involved.

A seed of an idea recognized in Colombia
explored further in other venues
finally emerged into the clear light of truth.

In retrospect this truth is jarringly simple.

In just a matter of days it could be implemented anywhere,

  • giving people who need sustenance a path toward hope,

  • giving those who are threatened sanctuary from violence,

  • giving venues that need peace an added value of tranquility.

This is a glimpse of how we can begin to rebuild peace.

This concept will demonstrates how anyone
can rejuvenate any community anywhere
by actualizing this extremely simple method.

The method shows peaceful unemployed
how to earn their way by being anchors for the community
and the economies that support that community.

It begins by being Sanctuarians,
being paid directly by the people who need it
to immediately and expressly be Sanctuaries
against the presence of violents.

It is a call to protect the innocent,
serving exclusively The-One-Law,
defending against those who would violate Consent.

$ 0.03
$ 0.02 from @Unity
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
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The concept of creating and maintaining Sanctuaries is simple yet powerful. In just a few days, it can be implemented anywhere, providing sustenance, hope, and sanctuary from violence. It's a beautiful way to rebuild peace and rejuvenate communities.

$ 0.01
5 months ago