How to Quit Buying Bad Behaviour

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Avatar for sanctuary.the-one-law
3 years ago

This article began as a reply to an excellent idea written by @BUG :
The Great Mind Reprogramming Idea

It might be a good idea to read his piece first:
This is a reply - I will not echo what he wrote here.

His perspective resurrects a lot of sentiment from a distant past which many may have forgotten or never known about as what we label MainStream Media MSM began.
During the 1960s we witnessed many confused reactions to the growth of MSM and the effects MSM has upon the brain.
In those days of yore MSM was usually only manipulated for local/regional interests.

Those days are over -

MSM is now retooled to brainwash you globally:

to Buy Bad Behaviours supporting violence against others, globally

The terrifying new global normie agenda MSM is now implementing
gives this topic new urgency.

You can see MSM field tests as they roll out:
justifying confiscation and destruction from communities and families

  • livelihoods and careers,

  • private property,

  • freedom to travel,

  • liberty to behave differently.

Occurring in real-time, everyone is being conditioned to comply with MSM agendas.

The "New Normal" is justifying Harm against those who oppose slavery.

It is a continuation of what public schooling has programmed children to do for the past few generations: "Obey and comply" no matter what the instruction is:

One discussion about "Obey and Comply" education is archived here: reveals more.

MSM is now triggering that "Obey and Comply" conditioning to create violence.

Not listening to audio content is several dimensions far more important than not watching a video screen.

Muting or shielding against audio content disables most brainwashing controls
found in -all- MSM video content.

If you must be around a television/display at work (or anywhere)
find some way to mute or minimize audio volume.

If you cannot lower audio volume
perhaps try wearing earplugs or other noise-cancelling headgear.

At the very least you need to find some way
to remove or lessen the lower bass frequencies.

Brainwashers program lower bass frequency content
to synchronize your emotional programming to visual content keys.

What are the methods and objectives that comprise Brainwashing ?

Science-fiction dramatizes it like this:

Current reality begins more like this:

How your brain is being manipulated by MSM:

[ YouTube is probably the most powerful MSM tool in existence,
but until other venues mature we still need to refer content there. ]

What they want you to do has nothing to do with buying fast food,
they want you to accept violence against other people as being normal behaviour.

You need to avoid the puppet strings MSM is deploying to entangle your brain.

The very best thing you can do is disconnect from MSM and seek content from the almost anyone who disavows anything to do with any content from MSM.

Good Luck with keeping your brain free.

$ 2.19
$ 1.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.50 from @BUG
$ 0.50 from @n00b
+ 2
Avatar for sanctuary.the-one-law
3 years ago


Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you dear for upvoting me my dear friend

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great article dear I have subscribe you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very interesting article. You have my support.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you - my Hope is for peace, I am still learning how to see truth.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

By any chance, are you connected to the site "The One Law?" I read some of the articles before made by that site

$ 0.01
3 years ago

Yes, my journey through the evolving social media continues. It as had many detours until came along.

$ 0.00
3 years ago
$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh so that is yours... 😊

$ 0.00
3 years ago