Influences caused by certain musical genres in youth and adolescents

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3 years ago

Since the fetus is in the womb, from 16 weeks of gestation it begins to develop the auditory sense, so it responds affirmatively to speech and sound, it is at that moment when the future mother begins assertive communication with her son and between songs and lullabies the maternal affinity and the cognitive development of the human being that is on the way is established, strengthening their cultural identity. These songs are usually loaded with lyrics that promote the social and cultural values ​​of each region.

As the child grows, she forges her own character, she begins to feel free and is not so dependent on her parents. However, upon reaching the stage of adolescence, the future adult finds herself in search of her own identity, where acceptance and self-esteem play a fundamental role in the formation of this new citizen. There is an influential factor in the development of young people and adolescents, most of them identify with certain genres and musical styles, associating in groups that allow them to feel more comfortable in their environment.

Music has positive effects on adolescents. For example, classical music transmits a message of serenity and is loaded with values, so this musical style is therapeutic, relaxing, stimulates the brain, strengthening learning, allows learning new languages ​​and offers healthy spaces for the distraction of young people. Some musical genres of this type help adolescents to feel less uninhibited, less shy and sometimes to be accepted as they are, strengthening their self-esteem and their social environment.

Music is called the universal language, because it gives off the free expression of feelings and emotions, its lyrics tell the story of stories that transport the listener and place them in places and situations that are pleasant for the senses. Depending on the musical style, the young person and adolescent show feelings and values ​​of love, peace, serenity, solidarity, tranquility and trust. But what happens when young people and teenagers are inclined to musical tastes that promote sex, prostitution, alcohol and drugs? adolescents in the process of forging their own identity associate this type of music positively, so many times they feel comfortable wanting to imitate or be like the songs of these genres and adopt this type of lifestyle.

There are various genres that promote these inappropriate behaviors and that today are all the rage in many young people around the world, some of them such as reggaetón, hip hop, trap, rap, electronics and bachata contain lyrics loaded with antivalues ​​and which in turn are accompanied by music videos showing semi-naked girls and boys consuming prohibited substances. These messages reach the brains of young people who consume it daily, causing mostly rebellion, suicidal ideas, aggressive behavior, emotional weakness, lack of empathy, depression and low self-esteem. Young people seeking to forge their own identity want to wear miniskirts and tight clothes that show their body in a sexist way like their favorite artists, use excessive makeup and hairstyles.

The family must educate young people and adolescents in values. What to do to prevent young people and adolescents from maintaining a negative influence due to current musical genres? Greater interest and social responsibility must be shown to promote a healthy life in children, youth and adolescents, providing them with tools that allow them to reorient themselves so that they can enjoy a full youth and develop their capacities and abilities without being negatively influenced by certain musical styles and musical genres.

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3 years ago
