Boys vs girls on selfie

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Avatar for sammy12
4 years ago

This is real in every group picture girls will be always prettier but talk about boys the legends there will be a boy almost in every group whose duty is to spoil the picture.

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As funny as it seems men's selfies are more realistic and they show themselves for who they are but all women want is to look good in the picture and sometimes go to the extent of being fake.

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4 years ago

Haha boys will always be boys anyday.

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4 years ago

Lol funny, boys are always weird, their ways of taking selfie is different

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4 years ago

Girls take selfies alot shaa

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4 years ago

This is so true, it's just the way boys do take selfie 😁😁

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4 years ago

Haha boys will always be boys anyday.

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4 years ago

Hahaha 😂you rosted to boys it's funny but we didn't do like that 🙊😂😂

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4 years ago

Well thats guys for you, they are always fun to be

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4 years ago

Yeah!.... Boys don't really like taking selfies

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4 years ago