I was hurt seeing this post of ReadCash my country being mentioned. I was never proud of this. We are being seen to be unworthy. I don't blame ReadCash, to be honest, but those unworthy dummy Filipino users who are doing this and put my country into this kind. Some may say I don't care. It angers me. You being a user of a foreign website with high standards of quality be sure to at least reach their average standard. On every foreign website, you use you represent your country remember that. You affect your fellowmen in the way they look at your works.
Yes not everyone has good grammar nor can compose a good article. But what makes you think that your not one of them? Just what article do you make? making a points short article? Is non-sense you know that and if you don't, now you know. Points, Subscriber, views, are nonsense yes it gains views because we are curious about each other points. We ENVY someone points. You seem reporting or envying someone else. Yes, we may view it as inspiration but we can view it also as envying. All good has bad sides. YOU ARE SHOWING OFF. Your attracting an Evil Eyes through that.
Oh, do you think Sponsorship, upvote that you call giveaways are articles? For me, I don't see it to be ARTICLES. You know what an article is. Contest is a contest and not an article. Go to the community of Free Writing and see what article should be. don't get me wrong I agree into this kind of post giving challenge to users is fun the same time we gain a prize.
See the work of others not just others like us but those who are making sense in their articles such as @wakeupkitty @scottcbusiness @thesatoshistore etc that We can call Articles. Just what you made that you can consider an article. Please not your points article. I don't see why we need to support these points, Subscriber, views knowing what is a good article, and that's what we need to support.
all new users have received this welcome to readcash guide but have you read that guide?. If you do you won't make these points, subscribe, views article >Avoid publishing articles about read.cash (about points, random rewarder, etc...) you can read that from the welcome message of read cash.
Then let's go to the issue of spammers. a person whos commenting nonsense just jumping into articles without reading them first and say "good article I've subscribe to you sub back" your begging for subscribers which is annoying to the most of us then once you receive a warning and you still continue doing it then you complain about the punishment you received. YOU RECEIVE WHAT YOU DESERVE. then for those who are using this "move to spam," even the comment is not spammed are unfair. that's the disadvantage of "move to spam" feature of this platform.
Read the article that you view before you jump into the comments section.
you know you can gain organic views and subscribers through your good articles no need to jump in the article of others and beg for them to sub to you. downvotes will affect your points. Downvotes are made to reduce your points and not for Nothing that other users say so.
Then lets me reminds you about the Frequent questions (FAQ) of this platform. did you know If you are trying to make it look like many people agree on something, when in reality - it's just you - that might get you banned. check the FAQ.
Then some of us are making a post of complaint regarding their loss of payments and low points. Dear, you can directly email that to hello@read.cash in some way it's okay because we can view it as a reminder but not good for read cash image.
first of all, we may not lose payments here. if so directly message the support and I SUGGEST FOR YOU TO IMPORT YOUR WAllet in Bitcoin.com App. though it's okay to seek help.
And for those users who are in a panic when they see their points haven't been credited for 5 minutes and make a short post that fast. one more those users who overact by seeing the fund of read cash down from 200k USDT to less than 10k USD and make a short post that fast. Guys keep it calm I see you or not just me into something. Glitch is normal.
2 fact in every platform.
it will pay us
it will not pay us.
we want the best for this platform but haven't you realize that your transforming it into something. AKA giveaways paying users to gain promotion this can be called a paid promotion. Arguing in full articles, mentioning a lot of people in that article is that an article?. I am talking to all of the users here. don't get me wrong by doing this I want you to know how I view and see you're doing now in this platform.
at this end of my view. all are in your decision. the last actions will be to you.
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Read cash for me is a platform where you can share your knowledge with others. Inspire other people to write not to discriminate them.
And that's my opinion.
Don't judged me k bye