The Reasons You Rarely Groom Too Much Are Happy Inside And Out

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Avatar for saepuloh
3 years ago

.We live in an age when media is "at its fullest" exposing the outer beauty and popularity of a human being. To keep up with this trend, not a few people completely change their appearance just to satisfy other people they don't even know.

You value other people for who they are, because you understand how it feels to be appreciated and appreciated based on who you are

People who rarely overuse make-up are realistic and honest with themselves. And when they're with other people, they don't have to worry about thinking about how other people think of them. So that they become individuals who are able to appreciate someone's natural beauty. Rarely using excessive makeup makes you able to save a lot of time when dressing up

Even though using light makeup does take time, by not using excessive makeup you can save time and be more efficient for all your activities. So that you will get used to always behaving efficiently and not wasting time. Isn't that a great attitude?

Imaging? You have left it for a long time. You don't want to bother impressing others

Even if you understand that everyone's tastes are different, you will never try to make your outward appearance up to the standard they want just to be "accepted" by them. Instead, you will try to bring out your unique side to the surface so that they realize that you are not fully following the flow of the market. Besides saving time, you will also save more on your expenses because you don't have to buy this

Genuine beauty products will reach deep into your pocket, and there is no guarantee that your appearance will be stunning for the amount of "investment" you spend. Not to mention that you are the one who uses the wrong cosmetics and as a result causes a number of allergies on your face. KW beauty products, aka fake products, are cheap and tantalizing, but are you willing to use them on your face? And did you know that a study revealed that fake cosmetics contain a number of unusual substances such as rat droppings and human urine in them. Do not believe? Trust me. Because you are used to appearing as you are, people start to see you from a different side that is rarely touched by the ordinary eye

Maybe people will be attracted to your appearance. But this will not last forever. What people will remember forever about you is the kindness, warmth, and affection you give them. These amazing things do not need to be adorned with make-up, but with a mature attitude and a wise respect not only for yourself, but for the world around you. If you have an amazing talent like playing basketball or volleyball, people won't care anymore about how you beautify yourself. Because you already is. Your self-confidence level increases because you are used to appearing the way you are and seeing that people don't mind it

Although some people think that your decision not to use makeup is a strange thought, you need to know that you are not strange. You think that using make up is normal and you never question it. You just don't really like the assumption that you have to wear a certain mask when you meet. Your habit of appearing makes you appreciate and appreciate the beauty of someone's body and mind. You know that everyone is beautiful as it is. "Your face distracts my world." Find someone who told you that. Not telling you to use this or that. Let people accept you because of who you are, not how you look. You are able to face various changes since people is aging everyday

Like it or not, we will all age. And because you are accustomed to appearing without using excess make up, you realize that one day you will get wrinkles when you are old. Instead of panicking and fussing over botox injections, silicone or whatever, you will wisely accept the fact that old age is not something to be afraid of. You have your own definition of happiness. Because you know that your happiness is not determined by what people think you are

Let's think independently. You don't have to try desperately to look beautiful and you don't have to be the victim of media propaganda about dozens of cosmetics that make you appear “perfect” and charming because you are perfect and comfortable with who you really are. You know the meaning of happiness because your simplicity is what makes your life happier and more amazing than the “beauty” that luxury and expensive cosmetic supplies offer. Because in fact the collection of expensive cosmetics can't cover anything from you and your beautiful smile. For those of you who still frequently wear excess make-up, learn to start accepting yourself and know that God is never wrong in creating. Let people judge you for your personality and uniqueness, not for what you put on in front of them.

You’re on the right track, because you were born this way… 🙂

$ 0.92
$ 0.92 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for saepuloh
3 years ago


Good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I think this is a great article =) although I as a male still have a rigorous hair routine, and paint my nails, and dress to impress. But it isnt because I want to be judged well by others. I also enjoy wearing "adventure" clothes all summer with toe shoes and capris. The point is that I dress up daily for myself because it helps me distinguish who i feel like being today. I am still myself, but I hold myself in a more relaxed way, or more put together way depending on waht kind of day/night i intend to have =)

$ 0.00
3 years ago