Tuesday, September 8, 2020, will be marked as the day when World Dumpling Day was marked for the first time. The initiative for the introduction of Dumpling Day, which was launched from Serbia almost a month ago, was supported by fans of this traditional dish from as many as 41 countries around the world. The saying goes: "He who waits, he waits!". We adored dumplings when we were children, we still adore them today, Emperor Ferdinand adored them and Nikola Tesla adored them as well. Today, millions of people enjoy them, and they are a rare dish with a tradition of over 2,000 years that has not had its world day to this day.
Thus, dumplings, as one of the dishes with the longest tradition in the world, on September 8, 2020, stand side by side for the first time with all the dishes and drinks that have written their days in the world calendars. The goal of World Dumpling Day is to preserve these edible balls in their traditional shape with plums, but also to motivate all those who deal with dumplings to continue to develop and improve them.
Hundreds of generations have grown up in Serbia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and other European countries. Today, millions of people from the mentioned countries live in almost every country in the world, and that is more than a good basis for the World Dumpling Day to be celebrated on all continents.
Why exactly September 8th Three symbolisms are found in this date. First of all, the end of August is the time when plums ripen, so September can generally be considered the month of dumplings. Then, everything is more beautiful in pairs. The two dumplings next to each other have the shape of the number 8. And finally, when the number 8 is placed in a horizontal position, we get the sign for infinity. Dumplings have been maintained in their original form for over 2,000 years, which is a good indicator that this tradition can last indefinitely.
They make homemade dumplings with plums according to a simple old recipe
To make this treat you will need: - a kilo and a half of potatoes
- 200 g of semolina
- 1 and a half cups of oil
- 3 eggs
- 100-150 g of flour
- 200 g pretzels
- 150 g of suga
Preparation: Peel a squash, grate it and pour 200 g of semolina on the hot potatoes. When cool, add one and a half cups of oil and 3 eggs, but gradually one by one. Then add flour between 100 and 150 grams
Make balls, put plums inside, boil in boiling water, and then roll in breadcrumbs fried with sugar. The dumplings are ready when they surface. Dumplings with plums prepared in this way will be juicy and soft. Enjoy the phenomenal taste of this delicious treat.
Utorak, 8. septembar 2020. godine ostaće zabeležen kao dan kada je prvi put obeležen Svetski dan knedli. Inicijativu za uvođenje Dana knedli, koja je pre skoro mesec dana pokrenuta iz Srbije, podržali su ljubitelji ovog tradicionalnog jela iz čak 41 zemlje širom sveta.
Izreka kaže: „Ko čeka, taj dočeka!”. Knedle smo obožavali dok smo bili deca, obožavamo ih i danas, obožavao ih je car Ferdinand i obožavao ih je i Nikola Tesla.
Danas milioni ljudi uživaju u njima, a one su retko jelo sa tradicijom od preko 2.000 godina koje do danas nije imalo svoj svetski dan.
Ljubitelji knedli iz Beograda pokrenuli su inicijativu da se u svetu uspostavi Svetski dan knedli, a kroz peticiju koja je otvorena na Instagramu i Fejsbuku.
Za samo 10 dana, preko 1.700 komentara podrške iz čak 41 zemlje širom planete podržalo je ovu ideju.
Tako knedle, kao jedno od jela sa najdužom tradicijom na svetu, 8. septembra 2020. godine prvi put staju rame uz rame sa svim jelima i napicima koji su svoje dane upisali u svetske kalendare.
Cilj Svetskog dana knedli je da očuva ove jestive loptice u njihovom tradicionalnom obliku sa šljivama, ali i da motiviše sve one koji se bave knedlama da nastave da ih razvijaju i unapređuju.
Na njima su odrasle stotine generacija u Srbiji, Hrvatskoj, Austriji, Nemačkoj, Češkoj, Slovačkoj, Poljskoj, Mađarskoj i ostalim evropskim zemljama.
Danas milioni ljudi iz pomenutih zemalja žive u skoro svakoj državi na svetu, a to je više nego dobra osnova da se Svetski dan knedli može proslavljati na svim kontinentima.
Zašto baš 8. septembar
Tri simbolike se nalaze u ovom datumu. Najpre, kraj avgusta je vreme kada šljive sazrevaju, pa se septembar generalno može smatrati mesecom knedli.
Zatim, sve je lepše u paru. Dve knedle jedna do druge imaju oblik broja 8.
I na kraju, kada se broj 8 postavi u horizontalni položaj dobijamo znak za beskonačnost. Knedle su se održale u svom izvornom obliku preko 2.000 godina, a to je dobar pokazatelj da ova tradicija može da traje beskonačno dugo.
Prave domaćinske knedle sa šljivama po jednostavnom starom receptu
Da biste napravili ovu poslasticu biće vam potrebno:
– kilogram i po krompira
– 200 g griza
– 1 i po šoljica ulja
– 3 jaja
– 100-150 g brašna
– 200 g prezli
– 150 g šećera
Krompir obariti i ispasirati, pa na vruć krompir sipati 200 g griza. Kad se prohladi dodati jednu i po šoljicu ulja i 3 jaja, ali postepeno jedno po jedno. Zatim dodati brašno između 100 i 150 grama.
Praviti loptice, unutra stavljati šljivu, skuvati u ključaloj vodi, a zatim valjati u prezle ispržene sa šećerom. Knedle su gotove kad isplivaju na površinu.
Ovako pripremljene knedle sa šljivama biće sočne i mekane. Uživajte u fenomenalnom ukusu ove preukusne poslastice.
evo to sam danas ja pravila za ručak.hahahaha ima još par različica...sa skutom,,,sa krompirom..