Sheldon's The Master of the Game is one of the world's leading novels in the thriller genre. The book follows the development of the Blackwell family through six generations, using a retrospective method of storytelling through the character of the main character - Kate Blackwell. Extremely capable and uncompromising in achieving her own goals, Blackwell managed to turn her father's legacy into a world-important empire. Celebrating her ninetieth birthday, Kate begins to reminisce about her business successes, developing the difficult history of the Blackwells. She had only one wish - to enable her heirs to take on the family name and wealth of the company with dignity. Her desire and nature are so strong that they deprived future heirs of their rights to their own identity. Against this kind of benevolent aggression, the heirs fought in their own ways, getting lost in their own worlds (like a son who ended up in a psychiatric institution), to develop into violent or completely independent and family-independent individuals (which were Kate's grandson's life paths). Blackwell). After incredible business achievements and numerous family tragedies, even the powerful Kate Blackwell begins to wonder, is it possible to become a master of the game, or do we all have the limits of personal possibilities ...
Šeldonov Gospodar igre jedan je od vodećih romana u svetu triler žanra. Knjiga prati razvoj porodice Blekvel kroz šest generacija, koristeći restrospekivni metod pripovedanja kroz lik glavnog junaka - Kejt Blekvel. Izuzetno sposobna i beskompromisna u ostvarivanju sopstvenih ciljeva, Blekvelova je uspela da očevo nasleđe pretvori u svetski značajnu imperiju.
Slaveći devedesti rođendan, Kejt počinje da se priseća svojih poslovnih uspeha, razvijajući tešku istoriju Blekvelovih. Imala je samo jednu želju - da osposobi svoje naslednike da dostojno preuzmu porodično ime i bogatsvo kompanije. Njena želja i narav toliko su jake, da su budućim naslednicima oduzimale prava na sopstveni identitet. Protiv takve vrste dobronamere agresije, naslednici su se borili na svoje načine, gubeći se u sopstvenim svetovima (poput sina koji je okončao u psihijatrijskoj ustanovi), do razvijanja u nasilne ili sasvim samostalne i od porodice nezavisne ličnosti (što su bili životni putevi unuka Kejt Blekvel). Nakon neverovatnih poslovnih dostignuća i brojnih porodičnih tragedija, čak i moćna Kejt Blekvel počinje da se pita, da li je moguće postati gospodarom igre, ili svi imamo granice ličnih mogućnosti...
I've never read the book before and I will love to see more of his works. Though he doesn't sound popular to me