Chemistry of Love

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3 years ago

Alay red at the end of the afternoon

That day is Chaitramas

I saw it in your eyes

My defeat

How true, isn't it? It is rare that such a person has not been caught in the trap of love Why spend hours and hours in vain, talking, and not even talking, in a flood of emotions that flow - that restlessness, that blind emotion, that sleep-hungry feeling - why? Why in the eyes of that dear man Looking at it, it feels like intoxication?

Why don't you like that dear person again? That man liked everything; Why does his behavior change? Before that behavior, he used to shake his chest; Why is that annoying later?

If those who are familiar with the feeling of love are asked to say in one word what love is, then all of them will wander through the thousands of feelings in their minds for the right words. If the phrase "this is an addiction" is put in front of them at that moment, they will immediately close their eyes and agree. And they will find support for their claim to modern science Science says: People who are addicted to drugs like alcohol, heroin, charas, etc. are exposed to such chemical processes; People who fall in love also fall into the same chemical process

In the language of science, love is a kind of chemical state of our mind This is due to our genes and the process of growing up, which is how we were raised. And this love is very important for our survival.

True love makes us happy, inspires us Because of love, people can do a lot of things (something constructive, of course) that normal people don't or can't do. This rare feeling sets man apart from other creatures in the universe But the real purpose of this "chemical storm" (or chemical lecha in Munnabhai MBBS's language) is the same - to ensure the creation of the species. To build a family, to create a need, to have a child. After the child is born, these chemicals then motivate us to stay together with the children. The purpose is the same - to keep the species going.

Due to the different social customs in different parts of the world, the expression of love is different Different are the structure of the family, the nature of the bond But the tidal tension in everyone's body is inevitable.

The stage of love. Types

Now let's talk about different stages of love In a very intimate corner, a love affair mainly goes through 3 stages:

If a certain relationship in the corner goes through all these stages, then that bond becomes very strong Again, there are times when a person perceives the above feelings in different ways towards different people For example, some boys are feeling erotic passion towards girls but some are not feeling romantic passion towards her. Maybe while being involved in that relationship or later that boy is feeling romantic passion towards the girl in another corner It can happen and it can happen Then the above steps will no longer be called the stage of love, it will be called the type of love.



In reality maybe


Whoever will stay


I'm across her

I don't feel as much physical attraction to everyone as I do to other people It also happens that love is only felt in physical attraction; Whenever his thoughts come to mind, "different" thoughts come It also happens that all kinds of attraction are working towards just one person

That is, the words 'stage of love' and 'types of love' are interchangeable Now let's see what kind of juice can be seen in different stages of love.


Maybe in the pursuit of lust man seeks his partner; But the way it starts, why not, as long as romantic love is coming in the middle of a relationship, that relationship doesn't go to the next step of love.

When in the corner

Of love.



Strange things started when he left People then become irrational about the person they love Nothing else verifies about him with judgment

| This is when the popular proverb "Love is blind" began to come true Although there are flaws or faults in the corner of the partner, we do not see it anymore We then begin to accept the ideal from all sides If he says or does something in the corner, it seems that this is exactly what he should do This omnivorous thinking and the constant pursuit of his thoughts are all a game of chemistry in our bodies. At this stage of love, two people are busy getting to know each other in every possible way Wants to go all over the place and starts

If this attraction becomes long lasting and both

The two of them have been feeling this tension for a long time

Hold on, then love enters the next stage: whoever says.

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3 years ago


It is a romantic article 😍. Love is heaven, heaven is love. I love my wife so much. 💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah bro

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What a romantic article indeed.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

Romantic writer.Nice article brother. Carry on

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks bro

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article.keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you so much

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3 years ago