Improve Your Self-perception Through Practising.

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You must accept that you have spent a significant portion of your life unconsciously demeaning yourself. Believing you're not good enough. Becoming someone else. One who blends in. A somebody who is less sensitive. Less in need. Not as faulty. Fewer YOU. As a result of your brokenness and your desire to avoid frightening people. You desired their approval. You aimed to leave a positive impression. You aspired to be regarded as admirable and deserving. So that you might feel entire and healed.

You have so unintentionally compromised yourself for a long time in order to appease everyone else, hiding behind a façade of artificial smiles.

Your heart has been hurting for the longest time.

But you've reached a stage where you're starting to perceive things differently. Simply put, the suffering is no longer worthwhile. It makes no sense to continue to belittle yourself. More than that, you now understand that some individuals will never be satisfied no matter what you do or how you alter.

You've come to the realization that you need to start acting responsibly.

Not because you believe everyone else needs it, but rather because you have come to the realization that only you are deserving of your own love and care.

You are breathing your own air, thinking your own ideas, and inhabiting a space no one else could, not because other people think highly of you.

Yes, you are deserving. You have worthy ideas. Your emotions are worthwhile. Your needs merit attention. You must be yourself and live your truth without the continual approval of others. even if it causes folks to look away. even if it means spending some time alone traveling a less beaten path.

even if you no longer have faith in yourself!

Always fight the war in your head. And rather than the other way around, you are in control of your thinking.

Others take notice as we fully engross ourselves at the moment. As soon as they become aware of us, a gravitational force pulls us in the same direction. Individuals prefer to be around people who are prepared to commit time, so as we learn to be present, we see that they are inviting us into interactions.

Adversity, rejection, or worry may have worn you down, but YOU are not broken. Therefore, resist attempts to persuade you otherwise. Don't let your thoughts rule your actions either.

Refusing to minimize yourself will help you heal. We are more inclined to feel proud of the people we care about when we are aware of other people's greatness.

Today, make the decision to occupy a lot of positive space in your own life. Decide to allow yourself the freedom to attend to your own needs. Decide to respect your emotions and feelings. Decide to incorporate self-love and self-care into your everyday routine.

Choose to have a more positive self-perception so that you can have a better life despite yourself.

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$ 0.02 from @Shohana
$ 0.01 from @Tife.


We find a lot of people in this bondage and they don't usually move far in life because they don't follow their own heart.

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1 year ago