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3 years ago

DU in second place behind Cambridge!

Dhaka University has shocked. The University of Oxford in the East has won the second place in the final of the 'HWS Round Robin-2020' debate competition as the first team in Asia.

A team from the University’s Institute of Business Administration (IBA) has achieved this. Harvard University is the first in this competition. After that DU took the second place. Third place went to Yale University. Cambridge University has secured the fourth position.

The DU team was represented by Sajid Asbat Khandaker and Souradip Pal of IBA, Dhaka University. Sajid Khandaker became the second best speaker. And the seventh best speaker is Souradip Pal.

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this is really great.This is a great place & great campus

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3 years ago

Wow This is serious DU must be a very good school, the students must be really proud of their school's achievement

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3 years ago