Did you know that Moringa Powder is also called super food.

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3 years ago

Some information about horseradish leaves that will surprise you:

Sagina leaves contain 6 times more vitamin-C than orange and lemon.

Milk contains 4 times more calcium and twice as much meat.

4 times more vitamin A than carrots.

৩ 3 times more potassium than banana.

You will be even more surprised to hear that horseradish leaves also release arsenic into the water.

Let's know some more wonderful qualities of this miracle leaf

Sagina leaves work just like medicine for heart patients, lowers high blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and controls diabetes.

🌱One tablespoon of dried horseradish leaf powder provides essential nutrients of 14% meat, 40% calcium and 23% iron and vitamins to children aged 1-2 years.

Daily 8 teaspoons of sajna leaf powder is able to supply all the calcium and iron required by a pregnant or lactating mother.

🌱 Horseradish leaves are very useful for diabetes.

Sagina leaves are more useful than Sagina data.

In case of allergic problems, many benefits can be obtained by applying sagina leaves on the affected area.

Every morning, mix one teaspoon of dry powder in water and drink it to get relief from stomach inflammation and gastritis.

For gout, the pain can be relieved by applying horseradish leaves on the knees or where there is pain.

Sagina flowers also have many benefits such as: Increases digestion power, relieves constipation, etc.

Angea works well as an instant antiseptic for insect bites.

🌱 Saginaw leaves act as anthelmintic. If you have worm problems, grind horseradish leaves or eat it with other foods.

Sagina enhances immunity in the body, keeps the body active. Increases bone strength which plays a role in self-defense and.

🌱 Horseradish leaves help the liver and kidneys to function properly. Prevents disease and keeps kidneys and liver healthy.

🌱 Sagina leaves help keep the mother's body healthy during pregnancy and increase breast milk without any side effects.

Helps a lot to reduce body weight. Eat horseradish leaves in addition to exercise.

According to doctors and experts, horseradish leaves and data are beneficial for about 300+ diseases and cure diseases.

Sajne leaves keep children's stomachs clean.

Sajane leaves are also good for skin and hair.

Now let's know about its usage

For the skin:

You can mix honey with horseradish leaf juice or dried powder and apply it on the face. It tightens the skin of the face, cleanses and removes acne.

You can apply it in the wound area of ​​the skin by applying leaf paste or powder. Sajane leaves also heals wounds in the skin.

For hair:

Make a paste of sajna leaf juice or dry powder and mix it with honey or massage it on the scalp. This will reduce hair loss. The scalp will get nutritional value. The head will stay cold. The hair will be beautiful and thick.

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Avatar for robi11
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3 years ago


Good article.... Nice...,πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

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3 years ago

Good advice

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