Don't Give Too Much Pressure On Your Kids To Choose Something To Make Money

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Avatar for rezoanulvibes
1 year ago

Every parent wants to see their kids be successful in their life. There is no doubt you as a parent want to do your best for your kids. You raise your kids and see them grow. When you see a smile on your kids' faces that makes you happy.

Now your kids are not kids anymore. They are grown up. Still, do you give too much pressure on your kid to choose something as a career to make money? It sounds ridiculous that parents give pressure on their kids to do specific things to make money.

When you are 18, you have to take care of yourself. You are on your own and you have to decide what to do and what not to do in your life. You may not expect your parents to take care of you then.

Well, it's also true that parents are worried about their kids, no matter how big they are. They are always kids to their parents. They think about their kids' future. Maybe that's why parents prevent their kids from choosing something as a career to make money. They think there is no future in doing that. Instead, if their kids do some specific things, their future will be bright.

The way you see things as a parent can be wrong. Maybe it was not possible to do that in the past, but not anymore. A lot of things are changing and people can do things that seem impossible to do before. around the world. So what your kids want to do, they can do better in that.

You need to allow your kids to learn on their own. You can guide them, but let them learn. Maybe the best thing they can learn from their mistakes. You are not doing any good by putting too much pressure on your kids. Your kids may listen to you and do the thing that you like going against their desire and dream. But will your kids be happy to choose that as a career?

You as a kid should talk to your parents and let them know what you want to do as a career to make money and why this is best for you. Hope your parents understand you. If you see any situation like this, you can resonate with that. What if your parents don't listen to you? Yes, it can also happen.

It is better to make a temporary distance from your parent at the beginning than to blame your parents for the rest of your life for ruining your life. Maybe you do what your parents want, and later you regret it and blame your parents. You can remove the distance and make a good relationship with your parents later. And they will be happy when they see you are doing great in your career.

So what do you think? Please feel free to leave your comments. Thank you for reading this post. That's it for now. I'll be back with another post.

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Avatar for rezoanulvibes
1 year ago


I agree with this, some parents just give pressure a lot on their kids causing more problems in the future such as mental health conditions as they are emotionally battered with pressures.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If parents let their kids pursue their careers based on their preferences and skills, they can do much better in their professional life. Yes, a kid may not understand everything. Parents should be there to unleash their potential.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The kids and the parents must be close friends. Only then will the communication be more open and meaningful. Parents must not force their kids on the subject of study in high school and college. It did harm a lot in every part of the globe because of some parental totalitarianism on the kids.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I completely agree with you. Parents want to do their best for their kids, but sometimes they do things that harm more than good.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The inflation of others could let you making pressure on your kids and this is a wrong attitude unfortenally.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Things are getting tough these days because of inflation. There is no way we can deny that. We should learn how to manage our finances and teach that to our kids.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

We as parents lead them but your right they need to learn for themselves. I constantly remind my son to do his best at school. I've never been that parent who forces things. Especially when it comes to careers or sports. Let them choose or chase their dreams.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Unfortunately, sometimes we see parents force their kids to choose something as a career only because that looks cool in society. But if parents support their kids, and be there when they need them, their kids can do much better in life.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

"You can guide them, but let them learn"

This words is really indeed. I never pressured my eldest son and I always reminding him that he must finish his studies for his future not for me.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

When your kid feels why something is so important that you tell him to do, he will do that on his way. Parents should be there to guide their kids, not to be policemen or policewomen always.

$ 0.00
1 year ago