What Noah's need to do to gain back his love

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2 years ago

The look on Noah's face make me asked if he is really okay, but he refused to open up to me, i told him, i would not force you to say what you do not want to share with anyone, but remember challenges share are half solved.


It was 7:45AM and i was already late to work, i didn't want my boss to see me as one who do not keep to time and do as he like, but when i got to the office i was still not myself, i could not attained to customers for longer without thinking what could be Noah's problem at this early hour of the day, never did i knew that he has thinking about his ex girlfriend, to me, i thought he was having pains inside of him which he does not wants to tell me about it but to keep it a secrets.

When i got home from work, i calm down and have a chit chat with Noah, that was when he open up to me, how hurt it is for him, whenever he think of Victoria her ex girlfriend, he was talking and was Shading tears, he said, by this time last year, they were still together, and being with her was the best thing in his life, till the time they got unnecessary argument which lead to their separation, when i look at Noah and how soaked he was, i was deeply touched and felt how hurt it is for him for not having Victoria again in his life.


I will advice you to go talked with her, she may still be feeling for you too, such is life, and when you are going to see her, you can as well accompany yourself with a gift, we are in val moment, gift can make way for that exit that were blocked because gift make ones heart joyful.

He replied, if only i could have her back i would not be rude and corny to her in any way.

It is good you have learnt of your mistake and decide never to do it again, maybe that was how it was meant to be, so that you could learn for better, fight for your love my friend because love is a beautiful thing.

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$ 0.15 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
