Neither too much nor too little.

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Written by
2 years ago

I can remember, as a middle child how I always used to feel left out. I'm not going to argue if my parent's treatment was fair enough to me. But one thing I can certainly remember; my father used to comfort me saying 'middle' is good. Everyone loves to be in the 'middle'. People like to take the middle ground, people expect something in the middle; not too much or too less, etc.

I didn't understand much about this back then but the more I'm growing up the more I came to realize, maybe that's true.


What we do, what we choose, what we ask for mostly always fall in the middle ground. Maybe it's not much to others or too much but it's always 'middle' for us.

Let me give you another example.

What do I ask from life?

I'm certain that it's not too much.

But again I get a bit greedy because I never ask for too less either.

From my financial expectation to my health, from my conjugal life to spiritual growth; I wish to fit in the middle; not too much nor too less. Maybe because I know, I may complain about too less but would compromise with more than that.

If we have a sufficient amount of things to go on; that's enough.

Maybe this is just me or the majority of us!

I have seen greed, I have seen poverty. Also, I have seen how people from the lower class go on the top using malpractice. All these made me feel like maybe people who choose to be 'general' are like this. Maybe we don't have any option to ask for more. But even if I do, I don't think I would ask for more.

What do you say?

However, our need has no limit. The more I'm getting the better I want now. What used to seem 'too much a few years ago now seems 'less' to me. I know it happens to everyone. So even if I try to say that I'm in the middle ground it would probably not be 100% true. People say those who choose the middle ground are hypocrites. Yeah, I sort of agree with this if we are talking about taking the middle ground in an argument. But if it's about life choices then I have a different opinion.

I usually don't complain nor do I ask for much. There's no one I need to be accountable for to prove my ethical standard but it's me. And I'm saying so because this helps me to find the peace I was looking for.

There's nothing wrong to be in the middle!

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Written by
2 years ago


Theres nothing wrong if we are in the middle

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I do believe so. Thanks.

$ 0.00
2 years ago