Term limits on Supreme Court justices is (outside of current political motivations and timing) an idea with a bit of common sense. Presidents are 'on' to the lifetime appointee loophole-- now appointing younger than 50-year olds; going for 25-30+ years of 1 justice on the court. That should not be the point. A) we should want the best and most experienced judges, regardless of age (and this might be one aspect of government in particular in which more age and experience is what is important) and B) accountability to the people they serve. No one should be without term limits when serving the public. Especially in a situation where you aren't even facing voters. There needs to be accountability to the public. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-court-termlimits/democrats-prepare-bill-limiting-u-s-supreme-court-justice-terms-to-18-years-idUSKCN26F3L3

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@reeloutdeep posted 3 years ago
