The Sun Will Rise Soon
When the sun rises, it indicates that the morning has come, the morning sun is very healthy for the body because in health science, sunlight is very necessary for the human body. The basic reason maybe I don't know, but in general from various circles it is said that the morning sunshine is full of vitamins, believe it or not, you will definitely find it. The answer is from a trusted source.
But have you ever thought why the morning sun is not too hot? what is the cause? if we analyze logically the distance between the earth and the sun is the same and does not change, but in fact during the day the sunlight is very hot even everyone can't stand the heat so many people do work activities outside the home in the morning or evening.
Apparently the understanding is quite simple to solve this question, it is true that the distance of the earth and the sun from morning to evening does not change, but you must know that the rays of the sun have different rays. when it first rises in the morning and during the day the position of the sun's rays becomes concentrated or in other words it collects towards one area that is the cause so that the morning sun is not too hot while the afternoon feels burning.
I also realize now why the farmers in my village always work in the fields in the morning or before sunrise, all the farmers wake up ringing the drums made of bamboo and dry cowhide, signaling everyone to be ready to lift tembilang and hoes as scrapers for crop fields. they are very excited at dawn to work like non-stop even they work without resting for hours because of their reason that the sun will rise soon signaling the heat will change.
I also assumed when this habit occurred that almost all of the farmers in my area have a strong and muscular body they look healthy like people who always do gym activities and I was right when I asked a young farmer about the work he did in the morning he said that working in the morning is healthy and not hot so it's like people exercising.
This opinion has given me new insight, it turns out that working with agricultural tools in the morning is to make the body strong and healthy and burn all the bad fat in the body into sweat. try to imagine they do this every working time 6 days a week maybe they will exceed the body's resistance than people who exercise indoors. Their physical strength is strong enough to withstand extreme heat and rain and the frequent routines of this work provide immunity against disease, this is the reason why it is very difficult for farmers in the village to get disease.
Doing work activities before the sun rises gives a lesson not to be super lazy, always active, passionate, enthusiastic, open mind, body skin is protected from damage, work is done quickly and blessings will not be pegged.
That's why I like starting my walk even before the sun is up so that when I have had enough, then I can go home before it gets too hot.