Huge Income From Social Instability

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1 year ago

Revenue acquisition indicators come from various sources, according to the production of goods and services. Price index is the foundation for detecting the value of an item. In other words, price is the main point of achieving income for a product. In this case, profits and losses depend on the market price mechanism. Admittedly, the expectation of earning a large income is the main goal in meeting the needs for raw materials, wages for workers, operational needs, standard of living and achieving prosperity.

Understanding of opportunities in the field of production and marketing, is something that must be studied comprehensively. In other words, intelligence to read situations and conditions in the field, can provide solutions in obtaining maximum results. Stable or not the economic system is an indication of inflation and deflation.

Instability of social life also affects the marketing system, increasing demand compared to supply is the main symptom of product prices soaring. Social upheavals such as natural disasters, disease outbreaks, conflicts, wars and corruption are the impact of the emergence of new wealth. In this case, the impact of other products opens up opportunities for certain products that are not contaminated with the disaster. In other words, the occurrence of disasters in people's lives is an indication of an increase in the production system. That said, opportunity moves in narrowness.

It's ironic, but it can't be denied. In the midst of difficult social intensity, certain parties assume that this is the biggest opportunity and opportunity to bring in coffers of money.

The diverse views regarding the economic system, especially in terms of market mechanisms, deserve to be reviewed, not because they do not recognize certain regulations, but because there are frequent indications of fraud being involved. In other words, there is a deliberate factor to create social turmoil, with the aim of eliminating or destroying certain products so that competition is smaller or non-existent.

The advantage of a product in topping the market is the application of a precise strategy in its management. However, behind the success and glory, there will be an assumption of untruth.#####

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