Compass Vs Mobile Navigation System

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2 years ago

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Are you currently lost on the way?

This is a very silly question to ask someone who holds a smartphone.

Maybe they will laugh at it like new born babies and don't know about the world.

Smartphone users must have known how to operate the operating system on the phone software.

However, it should also be noted that not all mobile phone users can operate the navigation system because many users are just starting out holding this mini screen.

But did you know that before the navigation system was orbited by smartphone users, there used to be a tool to read directions called a compass.

Surely you know this tool, when you go to school this tool has been introduced since elementary school education.

But there are also many who don't know how to read directions using a compass, I'm one of those too lol.

I was punished by my teacher when I received this material for not being able to understand how to see the cardinal directions using a compass.

The north and south poles backfired on me because until now I couldn't use simple tools.

The use of a simple compass tool has long been used by spectacular explorers like Christopher Columbus, Bartelomeus Diaz etc.

With this tool, explorers can find places of civilization that have not been inhabited, and even explorers have expressed the opinion that the state and shape of the earth is round.

This argument raises opposition from various parties because at the same time other researchers are also conducting observations to determine the existence of the earth.

The story above I quoted from the history of world explorers when I was in high school because the academic field I chose was social science which involved history and social life of the community.

Continue with the topic...

If you were born in the 90s, of course, you have used a compass, while if you were born in the modern era, the navigation system on your smartphone is definitely yours.


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Is a simple tool that ancient people used to determine the direction by using a needle and a magnet like a small clock that people often call pendants. the shape is small and also large but has had a major impact on human civilization and the world after the discoveries that have been made by several people and even world adventurers can find out the source of a country's great wealth just by using a simple compass tool.

If you are an Indonesian, you certainly understand the suffering experienced by ancient people when the invaders came to seize power in a country full of honey and sugar. They came and entered Indonesia under the guidance of a compass.

Can we fault this simple tool? Certainly not because this tool is only a pointer not a shooter but with this tool it has influenced the world in its time.

Compass has a tremendous history because of the creation of colonies, power struggles, wars, war strategies etc.

But also the compass has played a positive role in human life when travelers, mountain climbers, sailors carry out their activities, even making maps or images of the earth in paintings formed based on directions using a compass.

Navigation System On Smartphones

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When the times continue to change until now the compass is finally abandoned with the most advanced Navigation System from smart phone software. Everyone can travel anywhere with the guidance of this application, even the sophistication of this tool can detect where we are and where we stand.

The disadvantage of this navigation tool compared to the compass is the internet network on the cellphone, if our location does not have a network then the direction is dead, while the compass wherever we stand, directions are ready to give directions as long as we can understand how to use it.

Should we learn to understand how the compass works?

For everyone it may be necessary and some may not because it depends on their individual needs.

But one thing that must be remembered that the world is not always tied to the internet network, there may be a time when the internet will disappear from the world and I also will never know when.

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2 years ago


I don't recall ever going into such detail in using a compass. We used to have those compasses attached to our wristwatches but we didn't really use them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

haha...I've also used a watch with a compass on the side of the dial. It really attracts my friend but sad too when I can't use it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have a compass on my phone. It is very helpful when I am lost or just curious of my whereabouts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

we can go anywhere by using this application on mobile and it helps us to find our destination. some smart phone users don't know how to operate it, so many users get lost.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

But one thins is for sure, I haven't tried using both of them. I am not good at directions lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

maybe you should give it a try because it can be useful when you get lost and hit a dead end. Thank you my friend

$ 0.00
2 years ago