I believe you need to be educated on what you want to do in life, but I don’t believe you necessarily need college to get there.
The keys to life are running and reading. When you’re running, there’s a little person that talks to you and say, “Oh I’m tired. My lung’s about to pop. I’m so hurt. There’s no way I can possibly continue.” You want to quit. If you learn how to defeat that person when you’re running. You will how to not quit when things get hard in your life. For reading: there have been gazillions of people that have lived before all of us. There’s no new problem you could have–with your parents, with school, with a bully. There’s no new problem that someone hasn’t already had and written about it in a book.
If you’re not making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other lives better.
If you’re not willing to work hard, let someone else do it. I’d rather be with someone who does a horrible job, but gives 110% than with someone who does a good job and gives 60%
There are so many people who have lived and died before you. You will never have a new problem, you’re not going to ever have a new problem.
I want to represent the idea that you really can make what you want … I believe I can create whatever I want to create.
Every sentence in this article was said by Will Smith
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