Wellness Break

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Avatar for rayselp
3 years ago

I have a full-time job.

This week, they decided for us to have a full week of break for our wellness. I don't know but this pandemic really seemed to get hold of all of us. I work from home, and that's fine, yet there are times when technology fails me to do my job properly.

It's so frustrating.

You try, try even harder, yet, sometimes, you really can't take hold or control the situation. Yet, instead of sulking and not doing anything about it, you again take charge and think of what else can you do despite all the challenges that face you.

It's so frustrating.

Yet, you fight and go on. It's okay to pause for a while, take deep breaths, say a little prayer, talk to yourself that it will all be well sooner. Sometimes, you gotta break down a little to unload those that hurt you, those that make you feel worthless, insecure, frustrated, exhausted, burnt out....

It's so frustrating.

Yet, you stand up for what it's worth. You keep on living day by day.... you fight for another day.

Then, it'll be frustrating, no more....

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