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3 years ago

During my elementary graduation, we had a guest speaker. I actually forgot who he was. He's maybe someone with a high credential, he might be an alumnus of my school. Until now, I still don't know who he was. I am trying to remember his message, but I think my young mind has totally forgotten it.

I remember the date was April 2, 2000. I was wearing my gala uniform, and my head is tied back up high. My mother and father were there as well as my siblings. My parents are separated by the way when I was just 2 years old. Seeing them there actually made me feel I am important and that they are proud of me.

The last personal article that I wrote was about my MamaLola who died in June of 1999, she never witnessed me graduate as a Valedictorian. She may not be with me physically, but I know she's there in spirit. Oh, I also remember something! She was given a posthumous award in serving the school in the Parents-Teachers Association. My mother received the award for her.

Okay, I thought I am forgetting a lot of things that had happened during that night, maybe not a lot, but only the speech given to us by the guest of honor and speaker. As I look back, I really can't remember anything that he had said. One thing that I remember though was what another guest had mentioned when she gave an inspirational message. If I remember correctly, she is the Assistant Division's Superintendent during the time. She was asked to say a few words which resonated with me until today.

When she started speaking, I was really all ears. There was never a dull moment. It's as if you want to listen to everything that she is saying. Full of wisdom, sense, simplicity, and elegance.

She mentioned the meaning of the acronym P.U.S.H.

Pray Until Something Happens

This sentence is made up of simple words but the meaning of the sentence is ever-expanding.

I think at a very young age, her sharing of this sentence has resonated with me. It has taught me that prayer should be an important part of one's daily life, that prayer is necessary, that prayer is powerful, that prayer gives us no harm. It should be practiced, and it should be heart-felt.

Prayer is evidence of your FAITH.

A prayer is a form of vertical communication with God. Praying can be in many forms. I am not sure how you pray, but all I know is that whichever way you pray, as long as your heart is sincere and as long as your faith is truly believing in the One whom you are praying to, then, there's no position or form or whatsoever that is needed to say your prayer.

I can say that prayer is evidence of one's faith because you pray and converse to Someone you do not see, or hear, or feel literally. It takes a lot of convincing to skeptics to say that when you pray, a Higher Being is listening and also speaking to you. Praying is an act of communion with the One up above. It is a way of saying what you've been through the day, of uttering a simple relief that you are safe and sound, sometimes even pouring your heart's desires with tears flowing from your eyes.


When you pray, you are expressing your faith. Sometimes you are unsure if Someone is out there listening to you and your cries. You may be unsure if that Someone will give you what you ask for.

But that is exactly what faith is - seeing what is unseen, and believing what is not there. Faith is completely trusting something or someone. Faith is a strong belief that Someone is there for you, to love, guide, care and protect you from all the evil that surrounds you.

I really like the verse Matthew 17:20 because it talks about how faith can move mountains. What? Is that even possible?

Yes, it can. And when I say YES with full confidence - that's faith.

I want to relate FAITH to the meaning of PUSH. You pray until something happens because you put your full trust in the Lord that whatever is your heart's desire, as long as it does not take other people's rights and happiness, and as long as it glorifies Him, then, it will happen.

They say that God answers prayers in 3 different ways:

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  3. Wait.

"Pray until something happens" is the process of applying your faith and patience until the answer from Him is given to you. Sometimes, the answer is a YES right away, there are times the answer is NO. When this happens, does this mean that you keep on PUSHing if you already know that the answer to your prayer is a No? Remember that not everything that we WANT will be granted, but everything that we NEED will surely be given. As stated in His promise in Matthew 6:27-28:

So, why do we worry, why do we freak out? God knows what we need. He surely knows what's best for us.

Now, if you are praying and it seems like there is no answer, maybe the answer is WAIT. He might be fulfilling this prayer of yours, but not. at the moment. Maybe He is teaching you to be more patient. Maybe He is telling you that something must change within you.

Whatever is the answers to your prayer - whether a YES, NO, or WAIT... just PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens, and you will never ever regret it. :)

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3 years ago


Thanks for sharing this! Great reminder to PUSH through the day. :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you! PUSHing should be an daily thing :)

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3 years ago