My Grandpa

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Avatar for rayselp
3 years ago
Topics: Experiencies

I'm a believer of the saying - "It takes a village to raise a child."

I, for one, is raised by a village or group of people who are working at our municipal hall.

I was literally raised by a lot of people from the municipal hall because my grandpa served as a mayor in our small town in Pangasinan for more than 30 years. I am not sure how many years was he serving when I was born but I get to realize that my first birthday party was held near the municipal hall since our house then was just at the back of it.

I can't vividly remember how the office staff too care of me when I was still a baby, but I saw many photos showing that they really did. They even called me and my brother the babies of the town, I didn't know how big deal it was to be the center of attention, I thought it was just normal.

When I reached the 1st Grade, my PapaLolo (Grandpa) is celebrating his birthday. Being the father of the town, there was sa celebration in the municipal auditorium. Our school was invited to take part in the celebration and to also give a special number. I was a part of the delegation, and for weeks, we practiced an interpretative dance number and at the end of it is a speech for my PapaLolo that I have to recite before the entire crowd.

This speech was given to me days to practice and memorize. A few days before the actual presentation, I have not yet memorized the speech. My teacher told me that they will just get a replacement for me. I said that I could do it, and also wondered why would I be replaced when the speech is about me as a granddaughter admiring her grandfather, and telling him her many thanks for being an inspiration. I didn't remember the speech, but I know the thought.

Then his birthday celebration came.

I went at the center of the stage, holding a lei.. and then I started...

Before I uttered the words, "Lolo, mahal na mahal ko po kayo.", my voice just cracked.

Gosh, I was crying.

I didn't know what to do, my tears are flowing immensely over my cheeks. I was sobbing in the middle of every sentence, or sobbing in between words. I was a mess, but I continued until the end.

Then, I went down the stairs from the stage to put on the lei to my PapaLolo and hugged and kissed him.

I have to get back to the stage becuase we will be performing the dance interpreting the song "Handog" by Florante.

Everytime I listen to this song, I will always remember my PapaLolo, and that moment that I told him how much I love him. Yes, it was a memorized speech, but it was true, it was heartfelt, it was real... from the 6-year old me.

I miss my PapaLolo, I bet my life would be totally different if he's still living, and I'm still with them. I have a lot of questions that were unanswered, like where did he graduate in college, was it true that he took Political Science? How come that he's able to be the mayor for 3o+ years? What is it like to be a well-loved public servant? Why does he like ripe papaya with powdered milk on top so much?

Is he proud that I entered UP? Is he proud that I am teacher? Is he proud that I finished my masters at 30 years old? Is he proud of what my brother and I have become?

How I wish to talk to him, and asked many sensical questions. How will we talk when I am already an adult? It makes me wonder... I know it won't happen in my lifetime, but maybe, in the life after next.

Thank you for reading!

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Avatar for rayselp
3 years ago
Topics: Experiencies


Wow! Wow! My grandpa is not a mayor but I wanted to ask some question for him too. I miss him as well just like you do with yours. Not to brag, I wan with him everyday. I am the one who take good care of him, feed him when my mom is not around. And we laughed together everytime he talks about his childhood. I just love the bonding we have, it is just sad that he was not able to be with me while I am slowly getting successful. But I know, he is proud of me.

And I know your grandpa is proud of you as well. ☺️

$ 0.00
3 years ago

him when my mom is not around. And we laughed together everytime he talks about his childhood. I just love the bonding we have, it is just sad th

That's so nice to know. I was too young when he passed away, I was just 8 years old then. I wih I could've taken care of him as well. He was gone too soon. Someday, I know I will meet him again. :) Thanks for your comment!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes you will. In another life, and that will be great. ☺️

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3 years ago