Leave of Absence

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3 years ago

When I graduated in 2009, I was one of those fortunate enough to land a job right after my graduation. It was not my dream job, but it was okay to start my "working adult" journey.

I stayed there for 2 years without knowing what would happen to me. When I got the opportunity to become a teacher, I grabbed it, and the rest, they say, is history. I've been employed in the institution for a total of 10 years last June.

I had little idea of how it is like to become a teacher. Sure, my parents are teachers as well as the majority of our relatives, but I really didn't get to experience it until I became one. I had my fair share of bloopers, my wrong pronunciations, and even some inaccurate information that I've taught to my students (Ooops, I'm sorry. I was learning then, and am still learning now.). But now, I can finally say that after careful reflection and thought, I have become better at my craft. I've learned a lot of things, from different teaching strategies, various ways on how to manage the classroom, being friendly with my students yet having a sense of authority, and last was being a full-time online distance learning teacher.

My journey as a teacher in this school had many ups and downs. Before I thought, to survive, I just have to go with the flow. When I had my first evaluation from my supervisor, I had a low grade! I thought it was the end of my teaching career... but because of that, I persevered. The last evaluation grade that I had was a perfect score. It was the only time that I got that score in my 10 years of teaching.

Anyway, a lot of opportunities also knocked when I was in this institution, I was able to pursue my master's degree because the institution paid for 75% of my tuition, and the other 25% was from the school's faculty assistance. I was able to attend an international conference to present my research paper, and I was invited as a resource speaker to different pieces of training and seminars. I had a lot of fun, I also had a fair share of heartaches, disappointments, sleepless nights, and misunderstandings.

At the end of last year, I realized, I need something different. It's not because I am no longer happy serving the students...no, it's far from that. I realized that I have to become a better individual and be able to provide for myself and my own family in the near future. I needed a new environment that would challenge me and help me achieve a better version of myself. That's why I decided to apply for a scholarship abroad, thinking that this can be a stepping stone for me.

I submitted my requirements and a research proposal to the embassy last February. I was shortlisted and was invited for an interview. After a week, I was informed that I passed the interview and that my papers are to be sent to the Ministry of Education for approval. They said that I have to wait for the result in June.

This all happened in March. So, I informed my immediate supervisor, and we came up with a plan - to inform our principal about my scholarship application, and to request that they let me stay until the day of my "supposed" departure. Please take note that I am not assuming that I'd get it, but my request is on the premise of "if I will be admitted..."

Unfortunately, they did not allow me to stay until the "supposed" date of my departure, but they've given me until the end of June to decide, whether I'd stay or file for a leave of absence for the school year.

June 29, 2021. I received an email from the embassy informing me that I passed the second screening. Little did I know that the final screening will be coming from the university that's willing to accept me. They said that the decision from the university will be made on or before mid-August.

Having received this, on June 30, I sent an email to the principal informing them that I passed the second screening. I thought they'd give me 2 weeks to a month to prepare for a transition, but I was wrong. They wanted me to file my leave effective immediately on July 1.

I was stunned.

I had to file a leave of absence on June 30, and start my leave the day after. I was not prepared. I was a bit heartbroken, but I already know and envisioned that this might happen. That's why I applied for various part-time jobs like what I am doing now. I started to become an online English teacher last May. I also sent my application to become a content writer or developmental editor of a certain publishing house.

The publishing companies did not respond to me, so, I wasn't expecting them. I just built and developed myself to become a better English teacher. But then I received an email from the publishing company and invited me to join a 2-day webinar. I attended that webinar and submitted the mock assignment.

Today, I received the result of my application, and they said that I got in.

This just made me realize that I've been so anxious about everything. I've been pessimistic and unfaithful. I have been relying too much on myself, that I fail to recognize that whatever I do, things will happen only if He wills it to.

I worry too much about tomorrow, but I realized, He gives, and blesses me, even if I am undeserving. Why, because He can, and He will if He wants it to be done.

So, now, I'm going back to Philippians 4:6-7:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

My application for the scholarship is still a waiting game, but I won't be anxious, I will not worry for I know His plans are for the best of me - to give prosperity, to give hope, and a future.

So, if you're waiting for His answer, just like me. Just wait a bit more patiently, don't lose hope, because He is never late. He is always on time.

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Avatar for rayselp
3 years ago


wow! inspiring story! indeed we do get a lot anxious I think it is our very nature .. haha.. good thing God said He's got our back long time ago! God bless on your journey!

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3 years ago