All will be alright, in time.

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2 years ago

I want to share with you one of my favorites from one of the most successful musicians in the Philippine Music Industry - Ben&Ben.

This song is entitled "Leaves".

Ben&Ben is a 9-part band led by the twins Miguel Benjamin and Paolo Benjamin Guico. At first, they were known as "The Benjamins", obviously because of their names, but later on, became Ben&Ben who popularized the music genre folk-pop.

I've known them since they're starting to become popular. I remember them as the band that was invited to one of my student's debutante party. During that time, I really liked the song "Leaves" because it is calming, and it is encouraging. The vocals are just soothing like you'd be encouraged as you listen to him when he utters "...and all will be alright, in time."

Even when this song is heavily rooted in heartbreak.

"And in the end, everything we have makes it worth the fight, so I will hold on as long as...."

It talks about how one person has changed someone else's life, loving someone so dearly, spending time together... but unfortunately, had come to an end.

"The wounds of the past will eventually heal."

This song talks about healing and reminding one another that it is not an easy task, it's not going to happen overnight, despite that, one must learn to face it, not with bitterness, but with gratefulness... not with bad memories, but with cherishing all the good ones... Because in the end, the wounds will eventually heal, right?

"Leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees."

In time, a new leaf will bud out... from the bareness of trees. Sometimes, it seems like there's no more hope. Like a tree during autumn, all of its leaves turn orange, red, and brown, and eventually have to fall down. During winter, no leaves can be seen. It is barren, it seems like it's the end...

But wait for a little bit longer, and come spring, you'll see beautiful flowers sprouting. How come that in that period of barrenness when it seems like nothing else is coming, and that the tree is no longer producing, it will be able to do so beautifully in spring. That's really amazing. However, some flowers are short-lived, they will bloom beautifully but eventually dies out as well. So be sure to catch it and be mesmerized by its beauty.

Come summer, the flowers may have died out but the greens begin again to sprout more beautifully and abundantly. Just like how the song says how leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees, and all will be alright in time.

It's just amazing to know that seasons come and seasons go. The photos I've shown above were my daily view from my dorm. I stayed here at the beginning of winter when I can see no leaves from the cherry blossom trees anywhere here. But during spring, I got to enjoy the beauty of its flowers even just for a little while. And now, for summer, I can see the greenery... the beautiful leaves that remind me it is time for growth... it is time for healing.

"You never really loved someone until you learn to forgive."

And you'll only be able to eventually heal if you learn to let go and forgive not only the ones who hurt you but also yourself. And soon you'll realize, that the tree undergoes a cycle, a never-ending process of falling leaves, blossoming flowers, growing leaves, and doing it all over again. Yet, this doesn't necessarily mean it's the end, it's a symbol of a renewal of one's self, a reminder that there will always be the changing of seasons in one's life, it will break you and build you up, but in the end, you will still stand there as the tree, braving it all, fighting for your life, and conquering it.

Thank you for reading! :)

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2 years ago


May Liwanag dito sa readcashhhh wohoo!! Hello pooo, I personally love Leaves din, I think it's my fave nga kasama ng Lunod at Susi

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wow! Nice to meet you, ka-Liwanag! ☺️ Gusto ko rin ng Mitsa kahit masakit sa puso. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Love it , wounds of the past will eventually heal and leaves that fall wil sprout again in spring. Exactly how we are going to walk in every season of our life. I was wounded but healed. To God be the glory.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's good to know :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I didn't listen to music before. That's our hope, everything will be fine...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope you were able to enjoy this music. It's one of my favorites from the band! :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago