Winter is my love. Except Sickness (Influenza)

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1 year ago
Topics: Winter, Influenza, Love
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October 16, 2022. (Sad Sunday)

Its October, the start of Winter season. When season gets changed, it causes several types of sicknesses especially, flu, cold, sniffle, and influenza. This influenza get spread very fast and encapsulates almost everyone in homes, schools, and other working places. I am also feeling sick from two weeks, and flue is not leaving me.

Whenever i get sick, i feel myself that my sickness will catch others. And my belongings will feel same as i am feeling now. I say to my family that, separatey coffee cup, separate my glass from other's. Stay away from me, i have flu, cough and influenza, stay away so that you could save yourself from this sickness, the sickness that is really bad. All the elders and youngers please stay away from me i have influenza.

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Whenever i am sick, i used to put my head on the pillow sometimes pillow over the head because I'm sick. I sit sometimes and sat down on the floor, stand alone sometimes and sometimes start walking to noway. Sometimes i lay down on the bed, sometimes i start coughing, sometimes, the i sit, and then stand, i turn my body sometimes to the left and sometimes right. I pick up my mobile phone than put it down at it was, pick my phone up again, start writing articles and comment on others articles and ahai for place it where it wss. I then start finding old classical songs of Jagjit singh and UNFAK, and stop the music place my phone again at its place where it was. I stand up finds nasal drops, put that drops in my nose and again i lay down on the bed. I used to do Surrrr, Surrr in influenza. Hold my nose with cruelty. Put my cellphone down, picks up pen and paper, then i hold my head, i drink water.

I gathered carefulness around me, all the family members looks angry(soft anger) with me and was busy in making me feel comfortable against the sickness. They bringing me tea, milk, medicine, tissues and dry fruits with honey.

Today after two weeks I was feeling myself well, against the sickness. I allowed everyone to come near me, today i am feeling well today.

On this, my wife with his little kids asked me " we will not come near you, we have also some rules and principles, we are also feeling to have influenza." 😂😂

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I remember a winter, when we were together, you and me..... You made cream coffee for me that day, how did you know that i am feeling cold that time although i didn't tell you that it's cold. I'm feeling like my body is feeling cold. That time i was hiding myself to you that either I'm feeling cold. I was pretending to be strong against this cold, how did you know I'm pretending only?

Uffffffff ,,, i remember your answer that time which you gave in reply to my question(how do you know I'm feeling cold?) .

You said " I love you so much, and God blesses lovers to know the inner feelings of beloved one. So it is god gifted " I could never forget your that answer.

You said further "if one of the lovers feels something, other one also is aware of that, no matter they are together or sitting far away from each other".

And in this winter, when i don't have you with me. Where are you? Where is your fake love? Where is your fake God gifted ability which know everything about beloved one? I'm getting died in this cold winter and you aren't around, beside qnd with me, you were a lier. But i miss you a lot.

I get sick in winter, i become victim of influenza, flu and fever, but like winter more than any other weather.

I like it so much, i want, i wish to be at a hill top, i want my mornings on a hill top full of snow with a cold sunlight, i want winter morning over the top of white soft clouds.

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I want to travel in foggy day, the travel without any vehicle, the longest travel which would make me full tired of the travel, i don't want to stop anyway. I wish to go alone and alone in a snowfall, far away from the worries of my life, i want to stay away from all the humans.

I wish, i want to go to an oldest restaurant or in a cottage of far away village where the only light of 🔥 fire is available, far from the noise of this world, the silent place in this cold winter. And i want to sit beside a fireplace where i have a beautiful river before me who is as vast as my mind and thinking, a place where i have a jungle the deep jungle beside a river who already got freezed.

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And there in this cold i want a person who will tell me either true or fake stories a person, the old person having a husky voice will tell my mind capturing and full of suspect stories. Or a classical singer having cuckoo's voice sing songs for me, i want to listen melodious Ghazhals from him.

My heart wants from me to live whole of the winters at such a place mentioned above.

So readers, at what kind of place you want to spend your wintets, do you like winters or summer? Which season amongst 4 is your most favorite? Let me know your choice in comments section.


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1 year ago
Topics: Winter, Influenza, Love


When I was working abroad, autumn is my favourite season. Not too cold and not too hot and dry as well.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The coffee and fire looks so warm and comforting. Indeed change in weather can have an effect on most causing illnesses.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's the price we have to pay for loving the cold weather. Hehe. I suffer from the same illness too.

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1 year ago