My Village Photography (Pakistan) #2

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Avatar for rashid2.0
2 years ago
February 6,2022 SUNDAY( sunny day) 

Article number 10

Writer: @rashid2.0

It's been 1 week since i came here on

First of all i want to say thank you to my sponsors.... You can visit their profiles by clicking on their pictures. And you can read their interesting articles.

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Today i am gonna show you the beauty of my village. Most of my friends here are from Philippines πŸ‡΅πŸ‡­, the country very dear to me because Philippines is a paradise on earth it has many beautiful beaches(including white sand) especially the Manila their capital city is most beautiful. We here in pakistan have beach only in our Karachi city. And i never been their in Karachi, i can say that i never see a beach. And never enjoyed the sunrise and sunset on seashore. But we have many beautiful places. My village is one of them.

       Welcome To My blog

I am from Pakistan πŸ‡΅πŸ‡°. And living in a place full of green natural resources. It is a village where we are living since 1830.. Mean we didn't move to any other place for living since 191 years. It's all because of natural resources and facilities we have here. We love our place.

Lead Image

I Am Going To Share Some Beautiful Places Of My Village To You Hope You Will Like These places .. (You are welcome if you want to visit my village) i will pay for your visit. Will take your expenses).....

The first picture i am going to share is.


Place Where we play Volleyball 🏐.

It is a place where we play Volleyball. It is a picture which i captured in 2019 when it was early days of COVID19. When we were totally cut of with outer community our schools and all educational institutions were closed. We were not allowed to meet anyone. The atmosphere of fear and scare was everywhere. That was the time we were enjoying volleyball here. You can see the pictures above on left side the two boys are my brothers and on right side thy boys are my first cousins. It was a spring season. It were February days.


Blue sky, catchy clouds, green trees grassy land

Another beautiful place of my village. Photo was taken in August. This is a place in easy of our house. This place has bunch of very thick trees. 3 of my friends visited our village they uttered a phrase that i never forget. They said that. "your village is rich in trees" Actually they were right. We have so much trees here. And now the running season is the time of planting new trees. And we are planting them. Greenery everywhere provides coolness to our eyes. And trees are best supplements of oxygen, i can swear that we have healthiest environment here.


TWO children playing with a bicycle

This is a photo which i took in 2020. When my nephews were playing in March 2020. Elder one is riding a bicycle. And the younger boy pushing the cycle. I remember when i took this photo i was thinking about my childhood. We were the generation who have many wishes uncompleted. And having a bicycle was one of that wishes, we were not able to afford a bicycle in the past. At the same time i was feeling happy for today's children. They they have a happy life their parents can afford their wishes. They can make happy their children.


Coming Back after Pushing Bicycle

The field around the child is of wheat. April is the month when this wheat 🌾 field will be harvested. One month to go. As many of you know and i already mentioned that pakistan is Rich in agriculture resources. A huge population is earning and eating through the source of agriculture. So we also have many lands and fields i think we are lucky πŸ€.


Night Photography

This is one of my favorite photographs. I remember i took this photo in a night of December 2021 with me new cell phone Realme 5 pro. It was very much cold outside. I was sleeping in my bed i heard the voice of barking my dog. I went outside to see if someone is there or not. I wanted to know why my dog was barking. , there was no one outside but the beautiful Moon was shining with millions of Stuart around. Yeah this is Moon not a sun. You can also take this kind of photos in your cellphone if your phone has night mode photography options.


Night Photography

Yeah! This is another photo from. My night photography. Please express your views about that which photo do you like the most. And what are your views about my village. There is nothing more beautiful than the moonlight of winter. When the weather is raining Cora outside. But you can not enjoy moonlight with an empty stomach.


Scaring Clouds

Do you know? Why clouds look like this? Are these clouds only beautiful? . I want to share some interesting facts about this kind of clouds. Yeah, when you see clouds like this look keep in mind that these clouds can cause hailing. Yes i am right about this. Souch thunder voices and we experienced hailing when ever could are formed on the sky in this shape. No doubt it looks beautiful but it's also true that these clouds are full of fear inside for us. When i captured these photo two birds(crows) were also captured unintentionally. They added in the Beaty of this photograph.


Love Birds

Two forest birds are flying in the sky. And two pigeons are sitting on my house. I see that pigeons were talking to each other may be they were husband and wife. Hahaha. You are thinking that why i said that they are husband wife? Heheh wait wait i will tell you why i said this....... One of them was carefully listening and other was talking continuously so i noticed the one who was silent and listening carefully was husband and the talkative pigeon was his wife. Hahaha! So pity on that male pigeon.


Rice Field piece of Land

The beautiful picture of our Land above is dedicated to the rice field. I love this place very much. Clean and peaceful place. Far of humans, house of beautiful birds and reptiles. This land is very much rich in minerals. We cultivate rice here. And eat these rice for whole year..

Thank You for reading Till end 

I again want to say that if you are interested in visiting pakistan especially my village. I will be a host for you. I will take all your expenses, i will feel happy to have you here.

Feel free to join with my referal link, i will sponsor you..

Special thanks to my followers, friends and family here.



$ 0.14
$ 0.05 from @Shohana
$ 0.03 from @TengoLoTodo
$ 0.03 from @Niazi420
+ 2
Sponsors of rashid2.0
Avatar for rashid2.0
2 years ago


They are beautiful pictures. The wheat has grown tall. The clouds were fantastic and so were your night shots, I prefer the second night shot! Welcome to by the way

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah 2nd short is my favorite, your choice is awesome.. Thank you for welcoming me

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Great capture mate. You have a beautiful place and its very relaxing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yeah i love this place. Thank you for beautiful compliments

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Very beautiful Pakistani views. Almost like Bangladesh. You are doing great, wish you more success here. Keep it up πŸ‘

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yeah pakistan and Bangladesh are alike in many aspects, looks of people are same. Places are also same, these days Bangladesh has good economy tha k pakistan. You have more exports than us....... Thank you fir for appreciating me... But i am little disappointed why @randomRewarder is not visiting my profile. I am writing original articles but.......... Im πŸ˜”

$ 0.00
2 years ago

No doubt your village is beautiful MashAllah πŸ₯°. I can relate with this one because I also live in village. Btw, I am just impressed by your photography and the way you express this article. Keep it up.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you so much dear friend. Yeah my village is a paradise in this planet. A little paradise. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. And thankful for your generosity

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are welcome πŸ€—

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you @Niazi420 for your generosity

$ 0.00
2 years ago

wow, nice pictures I hope I can take also picture nicely, but sad to say my phone is an ald one and it has a blur camera..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Hope you will buy a new phone soon.. And will take photographs like these...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, Hopefully very soon, because as of now my phone will sometimes hang and it cannot touch πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oho. Which model is that?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

vivo 2017 heheπŸ˜…

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Not bad dear... ☺️☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago