Embarrassing Moments

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Avatar for rashid2.0
2 years ago
Topics: Self story

Date : 24/05/2022

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Hope you all having a good time.

What can I say? There were numerous instants of discomfiture. Ninety percent of them were due to my own ‘bongis’. But these occurrences are comprised in the remaining ten percent, because no one was slew in it.

Embarrassment is a significant and lovely human feeling that continues to produce in the greatness of dynamic societies. Shame is not far-fetched in cold minds hesitant in the smut of the last word.

Shame is only an decoration on the heads of designer societies.

Today I have an interesting and funniest story of my life having beautiful twists in it you will for sure like it let’s start.

Embarrassment #1

Six Years Ago From Today

Six years ago from today my story starts. When I was drenched in someone's love. The love in those days was on its peak. As you all know teenage love behaves very strong on heart and sometimes on mind also. You can also call this love as one of the properties of a Sugar Daddy loll that was a joke.

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All this starts in a way that I lifted up my bed 🛏 and went to the rice field quite before my home. This was the place where I often call my friends and we play card together and eat several local fruits there.

It was dusk when I went to my home to eat dinner, after finishing meal I was watching television, I received a text message from my ex-girlfriend.

The text was "call me in midnight at 11:00 PM”. After reading this text message my eyes followed the watch hanged on a wall of my room the time was only 08:00 PM.

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It was hard to wait three hours in a row because I always wanted to talk to her when the time reached to 10:30, I said to my mother that I forgot to bring my bed back to home, I will go there now and will bring it back.

Actually I was finding a way to go outside to listen her call here in Pakistan relationships mostly are hidden before marriage so you have to follow some kind of protocols which I was following that time.

Dark Outside

 As I came outside the night was too much dark as it usually in villages is, here houses are far from each other and dark is everywhere.

And moreover where my bed was situated was much dark as compared to the place. I was standing now and the area was covered by rice fields from everywhere, and in village here are large trees everywhere that add more into the darkness of night.

And there is a graveyard also existing. I was a bit scared of ghosts with the atmosphere all around me.

She picked up my call

 Now the time reached to its destination of 11:00 pm. I dialed a call to her number, she picked my call up before ringing the bell.

When I heard her beautiful and sweet voice. I already forgot my all fears and scares regarding ghosts, dead souls etc. and reached to me that bed which was located under a tree.

I was sitting under that scary tree at midnight and was talking to my ex and enjoying her voice.

Heard a scarring sound

 All of a sudden after 50 minutes of call duration the bamboo trees near me were shaking and I heard a voice like some birds are flying, but in midnight what kind of birds could do this?

I ignored once and keep my intentions towards call and was listening her sweet talking. Then again after 5 minutes a heard that sound again. Now I ask my girlfriend to keep silent, she replied me, ‘why’?? I told her I have heard a sound of something.

She asked where you are in this time. I replied I am at that place and explained her the location.

She said please Dear don't sit there, this place is not good to be there, it has a graveyard beside and the thick trees are everywhere, please move to some other place.

Graveyard ⛼

 Everything was quite fine but the time she mentioned the name of graveyard, she added into my fearfulness.

Danger was ringing into my ears and a kind of attack was ticking in my mind. I felt that every dead soul of graveyard is looking at me.

I said to her that “when the name of graveyard was not in my mind, then why the heck you make it remember" now I have no chance to be away from this fear of ghosts.

Running in Superman speed

 In the next moment I heard that scaring voice again with its full sound, I ended up the phone call and tried to become superman, I ran as fast as I could.

In this situation I don't where I lost one of my shoe I was running continuously, I collided with something and fell down on ground like a dog falls from a high wall of a house.

Succeeded in escaping

But I didn't lost my zeal of running as I know if I will get stopped, I will be killed by that ghost who is running behind me. Because I felt that the thing to which I get collapsed. I also running behind me.

I spent all of my Power to get escape of that thing and finally I reached home but my knee was hurting so much it was my knee who got collided with that dead soul.

I went to my bed, all of my family was in deep sleep, and I put my blanket on my face and tried hard to sleep after several tries I was able to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning. I thought to go outside to lift up my bed now, which was in fields under a tree. As I went outside. I saw my uncle, whose face was swollen very much. I asked him "what happened to your face” he replied Last night, when I was near graveyard for a need to washroom in fields. I met a dead soul who slapped my face with a great power that I can feel pain till now.

It Was My Uncle But Not A ghost in reality

I said, uncle! It was you last night?

He replied with an expression if making question yes! What happened now?

I said, the thing you are got slapped was not a ghost, it was my knee that is also hurting till now.

We both felt a feeling of like embarrassment.

Embarrassment #2

Sometimes a person faces embarrassment even though he does not want to, even though he is not at fault. This is probably called disgrace Offer help to someone and then he will say "Your kindness"

For example, if you bring someone somewhere, I will make a picture of you and say the next thing “No Thanks”.

Well, it is up to the next person to decide whether they want to take advantage of you or not. The one whose favor is accepted becomes “dhan”. My hands are in constant motion Sitting down is problematic for me.

Went to a micro-electronics store. I had to rate some things. As the proverb goes, this is the way to go. The length of the hand was not projected and the box of juicer was on the ground. It just came to our notice then.

I had seen alternative company's juicer in the back. When he brought his hand behind his back to point at him, he did not think that there was a person behind him. My hand rested directly on his shoulder.

I made an apology and moved on. Some of his things were lying on my feet. i stumbled and fell. After calming down for a while, I went to the back of the shop and found some items hanging under his head.

I supposed in my heart “what is happening”. Just get out of here.

When the shopkeeper gotten out his hand to say goodbye, there was a pen holder in front of him. When the hand touched it, the pins, coins, pens and pencils in it were all dispersed on the table. I went out and set the keys on the bike. It's too late.

Great effort. Oh God, what happened? One of the persons came and said your name is Shaukat Ali? I said “no man”. He says look, “Shaukat Ali has written on the bike, he is me and this is my bike.”

Yes. Goodbye. There was misperception because the model of bike was same. No one would tell but sometimes everyone would face this situation.

Have you ever experienced??

Embarrassment #3

Everyone has its own procedure, its own technique, as you comprehend it over time, no matter how knowledgeable you may be, but there is always the likelihood of mistake.

I had been working in Bhurban for a long time and now I has have moved to Islamabad. Here on the first day when I went to the mess there in the menu.

  • Potato prawns

  • With lentils

  • There was raita and pickles.

And they also gave me a loaf of bread, which I supposed was probably because if the hunger is not fulfilled with pratha, then this one loaf of bread should be eaten together. But it would be the chief embarrassment of my life if the servant sitting in front of me started eating it with a spoon.

Then I understood that there are royal pieces. It would still be embarrassing and pathetic to think about what I would have made if I had broken it by hand and started eating it. Lol.


Thank you for reading

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Avatar for rashid2.0
2 years ago
Topics: Self story


that was so scary yet a funny experience of yours haha.. You thougth that your uncle was a ghost, and he feels the same way haha..

$ 0.01
2 years ago