Day Of Reckoning

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2 years ago
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Source : Image from Pixaby edited in canva

Article #15

Today is a long day for me, my exams are near, this is because it is the last year of my degree, so what bothers me is not only exams but also my final year thesis. , Which is usually done by the university at the end of each degree, so that is why I have been online for a while now and spent the whole day creating the thesis, I apologize to my friends that I Could not read articles. But still I did my best. Well, tell me how your day went. Hope you have a good time.

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For the last several days I have been writing different articles of the same style which I do not see any significant results. I am trying to write in a slightly different style for you. I hope you like this style of writing.

In fact, today's topic is about a Punjabi language verse, the meaning of which I want to do in simple words based on my personal thoughts, so let's start today's writing up.

The Whole Of The Topic Revolves Around The Day when we will die, When This World Will End End we will be TAKEN Before God And Then Our Deeds Which We Have Been Doing In This World All Our Lives Will Be Accounted For

There(on dooms day) will be a decision based on deeds only. No one has to decide by asking your caste.

You have prayed, but you have not learned humility. Prayers without humility are not beneficial to you.

You did not see the house nor did you see the people living in the house, whether they were entitled to charity or not, then what is the use of such charity given by you?

You got education, but you did not follow that teaching, and then you encourage people to do good deeds. Such incentives are of no use.

But you will realize the truth only when the sparrow (you) will caught in the clutches of the eagle.

What you have carved out will one day go bad. And what you have built is bound to fall one day. ،

After all, you have to leave this palace and bungalow and leave this world, you don't have to stay here forever.

This fair of the world is only for four days, you don't have to stay here forever, "You have to reap what you have sown."

Image From Pixaby

There(on dooms day) will be a decision based on deeds only. No one has to decide by asking your caste.

When you die, your siblings will bury you in an instant. They don't have to sit with you.

They will not stay with you long after you have been buried, but will leave immediately.

All your quarrels and wars with the world will end when you are buried under the ground.

No one of them will come to convince you, to whomever you were angry in this world.

People have to carry you on their shoulders to the graveyard, on that day your pride and arrogance will be buried with you, under the ground forever.

Finally you have to leave the yard of your house deserted. And no one will ask about you.

There(on dooms day) will be a decision based on deeds only. No one has to decide by asking your caste.

Your arrogance, your pride and your words are all lies, By all means you make the shining day a black night, and you are a deceiver.

There will be no value in anything except good deeds

There, on the Day of Resurrection, no one will stay with anyone to inquire about anyone's condition, but all the people will be weeping over what they did in this false world.

Friends and companions here who are with each other, there they will all be scattered separately.

I will have to fly like a bird one day. There only people will get value who have good deeds in this world.

Someone today, someone tomorrow, finally everyone has to leave this world in their turn.


  • Always be polite,

  • And always put good words on your tongue for others, because sweet words win the hearts of human beings.

  • Never use bad or hurtful words. An example of bad and hurtful words is that these words are like small arrows.

  • One word can drive you out of the world, and one word can make your life a paradise.

  • Good words have high splendor, and good words end beautifully.

Pixaby image


There(on dooms day) will be a decision based on deeds only. No one has to decide by asking your caste.

What you did?

  • If you have filled the stomach of a of hunger , you are great .

  • If you make someone laugh, you are great,

  • If you have cleared the way by removing the stones lying in the right, then you have done good.

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  • What if you did not sew a wound of an injured, what have you did then?

  • There is no point in throwing such rosaries if you do not know how to serve the people.

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Pixaby images

You have left the way of honesty. You have chosen the way of bad seeds , You are teaching immorality to the righteous.

You bargain secretly, filling your pockets without hard work. You are making simple people thieves, but you do not fear God.There(on dooms day) will be a decision based on deeds only. No one has to decide by asking your caste..



(All rights reserved)

Original content by @rashid2.0 2022

Date [February 10,2022]

Thank you for reading till th END

$ 0.40
$ 0.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.04 from @Rezanur
$ 0.01 from @Lara888
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2 years ago


We must not fear death, but we must prepare to meet it. Good luck in your exams.. the same here, annoying exams time

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All the best on your exams.

Death is scary but it is inevitable so just like in exams, we should be prepared no matter what.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You can find it . Well , firstly go on the notification then tap on filter and tap the comments & replies . Then check every comment named with me and check whick one is said as undo instead of spam with the flag. Just click undo if there is any in last two days with me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have checked all of the comments of us, no one of them is marked as spam..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry for the trouble. Have a good time.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have already checked till last 5 days when we interacted first, i didn't find it, i am trying again dear

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well then. Maybe someone else have done. Don't know is that done mistakely or knowingly . But I am finished for that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss, mo one will do this intentionally, may be mistaken he /she pressed the button, i have checked three times, None of your comments is marked as spam by me...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Okay dear. Is that your second id? Have you faced something like me too?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My first account has 97 subscribers

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes i already faced this 7 months ago then left the platform now i am since 15 days anf feeling like my this account is also got spammed, i don't know the reason

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sorry to hear that. A year ago I also had 112 subs id. But lost for spam. Now this one too.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Prepare well for your degree exam from now on. Death is an eternal truth. When I hear a lie, I get scared now, I don't know when death is in the forehead.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Did you mistakley marked my comment as a spam from notification? You should check at least and if it is then undo from the notification.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I am sorry brother i dont know where can i find the undo option if this really happened

$ 0.00
2 years ago