Why should you know your blood type?

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4 years ago

Blood type is relevant data both for attending medical emergencies and for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

The blood was classified in 1901 by an Austrian doctor known as Karl Landsteiner. He mixed blood from different people and found compatibilities between some of them, while not others. He was the creator of the blood type: AB0 system.

Today, it is important to know each blood group, especially in emergencies and accidents. Likewise, it is also convenient to know this data, both to prevent and to diagnose and treat a wide variety of diseases.

What are the blood groups?

Blood types are determined, above all, by proteins found on the surface of cells, called antigens. These can cause a response of the immune system to any blood group that is not compatible, through antibodies.

Two antigens (A and B) were found to exist in the cell wall, in addition to also containing antibodies in the plasma (Anti-A and Anti-B.), The plasma being the blood content regardless of the cells. In this way, 4 main types were established, which include:

  • A

  • B

  • AB

  • 0

In addition, another protein on the surface of the cells must be taken into account, which will also be part of the blood groups: the Rh factor. There are the following:

  • Rh positive. They have the protein in their cells.

  • Rh negative. They do not present it.

What is the importance of knowing the blood type?

Generally, people know about blood groups only for some traumatic cause, blood transfusions, accidents, etc. But, beyond this, it is convenient to know that it is good to inform yourself about these topics in order to avoid, control and treat a multitude of conditions that are influenced by the body's proteins.

Prevention, treatment and control of diseases

  • Donate blood.

  • Receive blood transfusions in emergency situations.

  • Organ transplants

  • Prevent or control heart disease. Group AB has a higher risk of suffering them. The lowest risk is for people in group O.

  • Avoid hypercholesterolemia. People with group A have higher cholesterol levels.

  • Detect predisposition to deep vein thrombosis. There is an increased genetic risk in groups A, B and AB.

  • Monitor the tendency for certain types of cancer. For example, group A and its relationship to stomach cancer.

  • Nourish yourself correctly. People with type 0 blood are believed to increase their intake of protein foods.

  • Know the predisposition of fat accumulation (also related to cardiovascular risk). People in group A digest carbohydrates better and accumulate less abdominal fat, unlike those in group 0.

  • Know the causes of stress. People in group A produce, to a greater extent, cortisol (stress hormone) and those in group 0 have higher levels of adrenaline.

  • Knowing what type of exercise is recommended. For example, it is said that those in group A should, due to stress, do relaxing exercises.

  • Control and treat problems in reproduction. There is a higher sterility rate in women in group O.

  • Furthermore, there is an incompatibility of Rh in pregnancies with mother (Rh negative) and child (Rh positive). This can lead to damage to the fetus, especially after the second pregnancy, creating antibodies that destroy the cells of the fetus and can be fatal for the future baby.

Knowing the blood type: an important fact

As it has been observed, there is information provided by blood groups that is key to controlling the state of health from many aspects. Even knowing this information is key for periods like pregnancy.

For this reason, doctors often establish the blood type before starting any treatment. Furthermore, it is relevant information in emergency situations where transfusions are necessary.

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4 years ago


You have to know your blood group if YOU want to donate your blood. Its important to have a proper list of blood group in a country because it's help people to find blood quickly.

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4 years ago

The importance of knowing blood group for medical reasons cannot be overestimated. Many people have died for their lack of this vital information. Thanks.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I would like you to discuss also Bombay blood type and Rh null.

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4 years ago

Your blood type is more than a letter and a sign. It’s a priceless gift for people in need of life-saving transfusions and the key to understanding your health better.

To learn your blood type, visit your primary care physician or simply ask when you donate blood. The AdventHealth network of care also includes numerous lab locations which can provide testing and pathology support at any stage of your health journey.

Understanding Blood Types All blood consists of plasma, red and white blood cells and platelets, but your genes, which are passed down from your parents, dictate the antigens (protein markers) that you have. Blood types are classified as either A, B, AB or O, depending on the antigen.

Blood type groups include:

Group A only has the A antigen on red cells (and B antibody in the plasma) Group B only has the B antigen on red cells (and A antibody in the plasma) Group AB has both A and B antigens on red cells (but neither A nor B antibody in the plasma) Group O has neither A nor B antigens on red cells (but both A and B antibody are in the plasma)

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4 years ago