Why it is dangerous to self-medicate with ibuprofen

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4 years ago

Ibuprofen is one of the most common household medications.

Many people use ibuprofen as a common medicine to relieve a headache or fever. However, its abuse can cause serious problems.

That is why it is important to avoid self-medication when we are not entirely sure what it is that we suffer from. In these cases it will be better to go to a doctor.

Ibuprofen is a double-edged sword. Although it is a very common medicine in homes, its use, or better said, its abuse can generate other health problems. The risk increases if other medications are being consumed.

Taking large doses of this medication increases the risk of heart attack, as well as other coronary problems. Those who use blood thinners and take ibuprofen may be at risk for heart attack and constant bleeding.

Avoid consuming ibuprofen if you are undergoing any medical treatment or if you take medications such as meloxicam, naproxen, ketorolac or even diclofenac, according to a study published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

The risk of having a stroke increases if your consumption is mixed with these medications. On the other hand, those who have liver or kidney problems should avoid consuming it, just like pregnant women.

According to the French National Medicines Agency, a minimum dose should be used for a short period, and discontinue use when pain passes. If in 3 days the fever has not stopped or in 5 the pain has not passed, its use should be discontinued.

In any case, before self-medication, for any discomfort or pain, it is necessary to go to a doctor to determine the causes and receive appropriate treatment. This way you can ensure that your well-being and health will not be affected.

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