Vitamin E: what it is and what it is for.

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4 years ago

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for the functioning of the body, due to its antioxidant action and its anti-inflammatory properties, which help improve the immune system, skin and hair, as well as prevent some diseases such as atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's.

This vitamin can be obtained through food, being found mainly in vegetable oils or nuts. It can also be purchased in the form of a nutritional supplement in pharmacies, health food stores or online stores, and in these cases it should be taken under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.

What is it for

The main function of vitamin E in the body is to neutralize the damage that free radicals cause to cells, for this reason it could provide various health benefits.

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E, also called tocopherol, is the name for eight related compounds present in food, including alpha-tocopherol. Consuming this vitamin is not harmful, except when taking high doses of supplements that could increase the risk of bleeding and bleeding in the brain. Additionally, it can increase the risk of birth defects, problems that occur as a baby develops inside the mother's body.

Vitamin E deficiency is rare in healthy people, most of the time it is related to certain diseases that cause poor absorption or digestion of fats. According to the National Institute of Health, "having little vitamin E in our body can cause damage to the nerves and muscles with loss of body movement or sensation in the arms and legs, as well as vision problems" .

Vitamin E benefits

Vitamin E protects our body from free radicals that cause tissue degeneration, which is why it has been associated with youth and beauty of the skin. This vitamin can be applied directly to the skin with its capsules, to combat aging and wrinkles, although it must be advised by a health professional.

It is healing and increases the production of defense cells, therefore it helps fight infections. In addition, it is fat soluble, they can be dissolved in fats and oils.

Sources of vitamin E

Foods that contain vitamin E are:

Vegetable oils such as wheat, sunflower, corn or soy.

 Nuts like almonds and sunflower seeds are also among the best sources of vitamin E.

 Green leafy vegetables (broccoli or spinach).

 Cereals, margarines, or fruit juices also contain vitamin E.

Vitamin E supplement

The vitamin E supplement can be indicated by the doctor or nutritionist in the following situations:

Individuals with fat malabsorption, as can occur in bariatric surgeries, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, for example;

Genetic abnormalities in alpha-TTP enzymes or in apolipoprotein B that cause severe deficiency of this vitamin;

In preterm infants, since vitamin E deficiency can cause retinopathy of prematurity and hemolytic anemia;

In cases of high cholesterol and to improve blood circulation;

Couples with fertility problems;

In older people to fight free radicals and improve their immune system.

In addition to this, it can also be indicated by dermatologists to maintain the health of the skin and hair.

Vitamin E deficiency

Lack of vitamin E is rare, occurring mainly in people with fat malabsorption, genetic problems, or premature newborns.

The symptoms that can arise in cases of deficiency are mainly at the level of the central nervous system, which can cause reduced reflexes, gait difficulties, double vision, loss of sense of position, muscle weakness and headaches.

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4 years ago


Thank you for shedding light on the benefits of Vitamin E. It is an interesting article. Thanks.

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4 years ago

Our body needs vitamin E to help keep the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria. Vitamin E is also important in the formation of red blood cells. It helps the body use vitamin K. It also helps widen blood vessels and keep blood from clotting inside them.

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4 years ago

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin.

Function Vitamin E has the following functions:

It is an antioxidant. This means it protects body tissue from damage caused by substances called free radicals. Free radicals can harm cells, tissues, and organs. They are believed to play a role in certain conditions related to aging. The body also needs vitamin E to help keep the immune system strong against viruses and bacteria. Vitamin E is also important in the formation of red blood cells. It helps the body use vitamin K. It also helps widen blood vessels and keep blood from clotting inside them. Cells use vitamin E to interact with each other. It helps them carry out many important functions

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4 years ago